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Dr DRAGANA KRSTIC, assistant professor
Dragana Krstic
Zivotije Perovic
8th Jan, 1960
Kragujevac, Serbia
Married (mother of four children)
Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, University of Kragujevac
34000 Kragujevac
Radoja Domanovic12
e-mail: dragana@kg.ac.rs
BC -diploma in physics
Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac, Yugoslavia (1979-1984)
Master thesis:
Depedence of detection sensitivity on distance between electret KGR-1 and solid state detector LR-115II, Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac, Yugoslavia, June 2 1995
Doctoral in Physics (PhD):
Vertical distribution of Cs-137 in soil of Kragujevac surroundings and calculation of effective dose, Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac, Serbia 9th June 2006
a) Appointed as Highh School teacher from september 1985 to may 1989 at High School, Kragujevac, Yugoslavia
b) Assistant from may 1989 to april 2007 at Physics Department., Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac, Yugoslavia
c) Assistant professor 2007-
The subjects: Mechanic, Radiation Physics and Radioecology
Book chapters
V. Markovic, N. Stevanovic, D. Krstic and D. Nikezic. Beta and gamma dose assessment due to radon short lived progeny. Handbook of Radon: Properties, Applications and Health, Nova Publishers - ISBN: 978-1-62100-177-5, 2011.
National monograph chapters
Dj. Bek-Uzarov, D. Nikezić, D. Kostić, D. Krstić, O. Čuknić, "Efikasnost kocentričnog skenovanja površine trag detektora mikroskopom", Monografija sa III Svetovanja o zračenju iz prirode, str. 231-238. Beograd 1995.
I Papers printed in International Journals on ISI list in chronological order
1.1. Nikezic, D., Krstic D. A study of amplifyng the response of an LR115 solid state track detector by combining it with electret. Health Physics 69 (6): 944-948; 1995
1.2. Nikezic, D., Kostic, D., Krstic, D., Savovic, S. Detection efficiency for radon measurements with CR-39 track etch detector in different types of diffusion chamber-a Monte Carlo study. Radiation Measurements, 25 (1-4): 647-648; 1995.
1.3. Krstic, D., Nikezic, D., Stevanovic, N., Jelić, M. Vertical profile of 137Cs in soil. Applied Radiation and Isotopes (61), 1487-1492; 2004.
1.4. Krstic, D., Nikezic, D. External doses in humans from 137Cs in soil. Health Physics 91 (3): 249-257; 2006.
1.5. Krstic, D., Nikezic, D. Input files with ORNL-mathematical phantoms of the human body for MCNP-4B, Computer Physics communications (176) 33-37; 2007.
1.6. Krstic, D., Nikezic, D., Stevanovic, N., Milivojevic, J. “Determination of the soil-to-grass transfer of 137Cs and its relation to several soil properties at various locations in Serbia”, Isotopes in Environmental & Health Studies (43) 65-73; 2007.
1.7. Krstic, D., Nikezic, D. Conversion coefficients for age dependent ORNL phantoms from 137Cs in soil as a source of external exposure.Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 580 (1) 540-543; 2007.
1.8. Krstic, D., Nikezic, D., Stevanovic, N., Vucic, D. Radioactivity of some domestic and imported building materials from South Eastern Europe, Radiation Measurements, 42 (10)1731-1736; 2007.
1.9. Petrovic, I., Petrovic, V., Krstic, D., Bocvarski, V., Nikezic, D. EXPERT SYSTEM FOR ANALYSIS OF SPECTRA IN NUCLEAR METROLOGY. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 19 (11): 1763 - 1775; 2008.
1.10. Milenkovic, B., Stevanovic, N., Krstic, D., Nikezic, D. Numerical solving of the track wall equation in LR115 detectors etched in direct and reverse directions. Radiation Measurements, 44(1): 57-62; 2009.
1.11. Nikezic, D., Krstic, D. Influence of an Electret on the sensitivity of nuclear Track detector CR39 in Diffusion chamber. Accepted for publication in Indian Journal of physics, 2009.
1.12. Markovic, V., Krstic, D., Nikezic, D. GAMMA AND BETA DOSES IN HUMAN ORGANS DUE TO RADON PROGENY IN HUMAN LUNG. Accepted for publication in Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Volume: 135 Issue: 3 : 197-202. 2009.
1.14 Nikezic D, Krstic D, Savovic S, Response of diffusion chamber with LR115 detector and electret to radon and progeny, Radiation Measurements, 44 (9-10), 783-786, 2009.
1.15 Dugalic G, Krstic D, Jelic M, Nikezic D, Milenkovic B, Pucarevic M, Zeremski-Skoric T, Heavy metals, organics and radioactivity in soil of western Serbia, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 177 (1-3), 697-702, 2010.
1.16 Krstic D, Nikezic D, Calculation of the effective dose from natural radioactivity in soil using MCNP code, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 68(4-5) 946-947, 2010.
1.17 Nikezic D, Markovic V, Krstic D, P. K. N. Yu, Doses in human organs due to alpha, beta and gamma radiations emitted by thoron progeny in the lung, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 141(4): 428-43, 2010.
1.18 Savovic S, Djordjevich A, Tse W P, Krstic D. Radon diffusion in an anhydrous andesitic melt: a finite difference solution, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 102(2): 103-106, 2011.
1.19 Krstic D, Nikezic, D. Debugging of ORNL series of mathematical phantoms of human body. Acta Physica Polonica A, 119(3):279-281, 2011.
1.20 Milivojevic J, Nikezic D, Krstic D, Jelic M, Djalovic I. Influence of physical-chemical characteristics of soil on the zinc distribution and availability for plants in vertisols of Serbia. Polish Journal Environmental Stydies. 20(4): 993-1000, 2011.
1.21 Krstic, D., Nikezic, D. and Cuknic, O. Application of MCNP5 software for efficiency calculation of a whole body counter. Health Physics, 102(6), 657-663, 2012.
II Paper printed in National Journal (in english)
2.1. Krstic, D., Nikezic, D., Matovic, M. Absorbed doses in human organs from 137Cs in soil. Journal of Medical Faculty University of Kragujevac, 6 (3): 30-33; 2005.
III Papers on the international conferences
3.1. Krstic, D., Nikezic, D., Kostic, D. Diffusion coefficient of 137Cs in soil. 4th
International Yugoslav Nuclear society conference (YUNSC), Belgrade, Yugoslavia, Sept 30-Oct 4, 529-532; 2002
3.2. Krstic, D., Nikezic, D. Calculation of absorbed dose in lung due to the 137Cs in soil. Fifth General Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia and Montenegro, August 25-29, 1805-1808; 2003.
3.3. Nikezic, D., Stevanovic, N., Krstic, D., Urosevic, V. Behavior of 218Po in fiffusion chamber for radon measurements. II EC Workshop, Niska Banja, Serbia and Montenegro, June 1-6, 2005.
3.4. Krstic, D., Nikezic, D. Conversion coefficients for age dependent ORNL phantoms from 137Cs in soil as a source of external exposure. ISRP-10 (10th International Symposium on Radiation Physics), Coimbra, Portugal, September 17-22, 2006.
3.5. Yip, C.W.Y., Nikezic, D., Krstic, D., Leung, J.K.C., Yu, K.N. Assessment of 222Rn progeny concentrations based on 210Po activities implanted in glass objects. ISRP-10 (10th International Symposium on Radiation Physics), Coimbra, Portugal, September 17-22, 2006.
3.6. Yip, C.W.Y., Nikezic, D., Krstic, D., Cheung, T., Yu, K.N. Automation in energy determination of alpha particles from their chemically-etched tracks in CR-39 SSNTDs. ISRP-10 (10th International Symposium on Radiation Physics), Coimbra, Portugal, September 17-22, 2006.
3.7. Nikezic D. and Krstic, D. Diffusion chamber with nuclear track detector and electret for radon measurements. INTS (23rd International Conference on Nuclear Tracks in Solids), Beijing, China, September 11-15, 2006.
3.8. Nikezic D. and Krstic, D. Influence of an electret on the sensitivity of CR-39 nuclear track in diffusion chamber. 15th SSNTD Symposium, Tehri Garhwal, India, June 21-23. 2007.
3.9. Krstic, D., Nikezic. (2008). CALCULATION OF THE EFFECTIVE DOSE FROM NATURAL RADIOACTIVITY IN SOIL USING MCNP CODE. IRMA-7 (7th International Topical Meeting on Industrial Radiation and Radioisotope Measurement Application. Prague, Czech Republic, 22-27 June 2008).
3.10. Savovic, S., Djordjevich, A., Krstic, D., Nikezic, D. (2008). Finite difference solution of the diffusion equation describing the flow of radon through soil. IRMA-7
(7th International Topical Meeting on Industrial Radiation and Radioisotope Measurement Application. Prague, Czech Republic, 22-27 June 2008).
3.11. Nikezic D., Krstic, D. Savovic, S. (2008). Response of diffusion chamber with LR115 detector and electret to radon and progeny. ICNTS-24 (24th International Conference on Nuclear Tracks in Solids), Bologna, 1-5 September 2008.
3.12. Nikezic D, Markovic V, Krstic D, Yu PKN, Doses in human organs due to alpha, beta and gamma radiations emitted by thoron progeny in the lung. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ENVIRONMENTAL THORON AND RELATED ISSUES, Chiba, Japan, 19–22 May, 2010.
3.13. Jelic M, Djalovic I., Milivojevic J, Krstic. Mobile alumilium content of vertisol as dependent upon fertilization system and small grains genotypes. 3rd International scientific/professional conference. Vukovar, Croatia, May 31-June 2, 2010.
3.14. Markovic, V.M., Krstic, D., Nikezic, D., Stevanovic, N. External doses from radon progeny. VIth Hungarian Radon Forum and Radon in environment Satellite Workshop Veszprem - Hungary, May 16-17, 2011.
3.15. Markovic V. M., Krstic D., Stevanovic N., Nikezic D. Total and angular photon albedo for water, concrete and iron, and dependence on the thickness of reflecting material. 14th International Congress of radiation research, Warsaw, Poland, August 28-September 1, 2011.
IV Papers on the national conferences
4.1. D. Krstić, D,. Nikezić, P. Marković. "Difuziona komora za merenje radona sa elektretom i trag detektorom LR-115 II". Zbornik radova XVII Jugoslovenskog Simpozijuma od zračenja str. 85-87, Beograd-Vinča 1993
4.2. D. Krstić, P. Marković, D. Nikezić, Povećanje efikasnosti merenja rasdona difuzionom komorom sa LR-115 trag detektorom dodatkom teflonsklog elektreta, ETRAN, str. 155-159, Beograd 1993
4.3. D. Krstić, D. Nikezić, R. Benderać, Đ. Bek-Uzarov. Eksperimentalno odredjivanje faktora elektrostatičkog sakupljanja radonovih potomaka primenom elektreta. Jugoslovenski simpozijum za zaštitu od zračenja, Beograd 1994
4.4. D. Nikezić, D. Krstić, Đ. Bek-Uzarov, "Optimizacija difuzione komore za merenje radona", XVII Simp JDZZ, str 115-117, Bečići 1995
4.5. Đ. Bek-Uzarov, D. Nikezić, D. Kostić, D. Krstić, O. Čuknić, “Metrologija i standardizacija u fizici Jugoslavije”, 9-ti kongres matematičara, fizičara i astronoma Jugoslavije, Petrovac 1995.
4.6. D. Kostić, D. Nikezić, D. Krstić. Simulacija rasta traga i nova mogućnost merenja 214Po u vazduhu detektorom SR-39, XIX Jugoslovenski simpozijum zaštite od zračenja, str 221-224, Golubac, 1997.
4.7. D. Krstić, D. Nikezić, D. Kostić. Detekcija alfa zračenja radona i njegovih potomaka trag detektorom LR 115 u kombinaciji sa elektretom, XIX Jugoslovenski simpozijum zaštite od zračenja, str 225-228, Golubac, 1997.
4.8. D. Kostić, D.Nikezić, D. Krstić. Raspodela tragova na detektoru CR39 ozračenog radonom za različite faktore ravnoteže, XX Simpozijum JDZZ, 3-5 novembar, str 159-162, Tara 1999.
4.9. D. Nikezić, M. Kovačević, D. Krstić, S. Savović i D. Kostić. Radijaciona situacija na teritoriji Kragujevca u toku NATO- agresije, XX Simpozijum JDZZ, 3-5 novembar, str 57-60, Tara 1999
4.10. Krstić, D., Nikezić, D., Ljubenov, V., Stevanović N. (2003). Računanje apsorbovane doze u plućima i gonadama od 137Cs u tlu. Zbornik radova, XXII Simpozijum Jugoslovenskog Društva za Zaštitu od Zračenja, Petrovac n/m, 29. septembar-1. oktobar, 61-64.
4.11. Krstić, D., Nikezić, D., Stevanović, N., Jelić M. (2003). Vertikalna raspodela 137Cs u tlu. Zbornik radova, XXII Simpozijum Jugoslovenskog Društva za Zaštitu od Zračenja, Petrovac n/m, 29. septembar-1. oktobar, 181-184.
4.12. Krstić, D., Nikezić, D. (2004). ORNL fantom ljudskog tela za MCNP. Zbornik radova XLVIII Konferencije za ETRAN, Čačak, 6-10 juna, tom III, 256-259.
5.13. Nikezić, D., K.N.Yu., Kovačević, M., Stevanović, N., Krstić, D., Kostić, D., Janićijević, A. (2004). Optičke karakteristike tragova čestica. Kongres fizičara Srbije & Crne Gore, Petrovac na Moru, 3-5. jun, sekcija 8, 135-138.
4.14. Krstić, D., Nikezić, D., Stevanović, N., Vučić, D. Radioaktivnost nekih uvoznih gradjevinskih materijala. Zbornik radova, XXIII Simpozijum Društva za Zaštitu od Zračenja Srbije i Crne Gore, Donji Milanovac, 26-28. septembar, 309-312; 2005.
4.15. Stevanović, N., Nikezić, D., Krstić, D., Kostić, D. Faktor uzmaka radonovih potomaka. Zbornik radova, XXIII Simpozijum Društva za Zaštitu od Zračenja Srbije i Crne Gore, Donji Milanovac, 26-28. septembar, 327-332; 2005.
4.16. D., Krstić, D., Nikezić. Proračun efektivne doze ORNL fantoma u zatvorenoj prostoriji od prirodnih radionuklida u gradjevinskim materijalima. XXIV Simpozijum Društva za Zaštitu od Zračenja Srbije i Crne Gore, Zlatibor, 3-5. oktobra, 215-219; 2007.
5.17. Krstic, D., Nikezic, D., Milenkovic, B. Racunanje konverzionih faktora ORNL fantoma za efektivnu dozu po kermi od prirodnih radionuklida u gradjevinskim materijalima. ETRAN, NT3.2-1-2, Palic, 2008.
5.19. Krstic, D., Nikezic, D. ERRORS IN ORNL MATHEMATICAL PHANTOM OF HUMAN BODY. ETRAN, ME1.6, Vrnjacka Banja, 15 -18. 06. 2009.
5.20. Krstic, D., Nikezic, D. Racunanje doznih konverzionih koeficijenata za serije ORNL fantoma u zatvorenim prostorijama od prirodnih radionuklida u gradjevinskim materijalima. Zbornik radova, XXV Simpozijum Društva za Zaštitu od Zracenja Srbije i Crne Gore, Kopaonik, 30. septembra-2. oktobra, 160-163; 2009.
5.21. Markovic, V., Nikezic, D, Krstic, D. Gama i beta doze u ljudskim organima izazvane radonovim potomcima nataloženim u plucima. Zbornik radova, XXV Simpozijum Društva za Zaštitu od Zracenja Srbije i Crne Gore, Kopaonik, 30. septembra-2. oktobra, 172-176; 2009.
5.22. Stajic, J., Markovic, V., Krstic, D., Nikezic, D. Koncentracija prirodnih radionuklida u duvanu. Zbornik radova, XXVI Simpozijum Društva za Zaštitu od Zracenja Srbije i Crne Gore, Tara, 12.-14. oktobra, 65-68; 2011.
5.23. Markovic, V., Krstic, D., Nikezic, D. Refleksija elektromagnetnog zracenja od zaštitnih materijala. Zbornik radova, XXVI Simpozijum Društva za Zaštitu od Zracenja Srbije i Crne Gore, Tara, 12.-14. oktobra, 19-23; 2011.
1. Principal investigator on: The physical basis of the promotion and protection of the environment (1996-2000). Project leader Phd Živorad Vuković (INN-Vinča Beograd).
2. Principal investigator on: “Development of experimental and theoretical methods in radioecology”, N0 1425. (2002-2006). Project leader Phd Dragoslav Nikezić ( Faculty of Science Kragujevac).
3. Principal investigator on: “Development of experimental and theoretical methods in radioecology” 2006-2010. Project leader Phd Dragoslav Nikezić ( Faculty of Science Kragujevac).
4. Principal investigator on: “Development of experimental and theoretical methods in radioecology” 2011-2014. Project leader Phd Dragoslav Nikezić ( Faculty of Science Kragujevac).
5. Principal investigator on: Research of important physical processes for different types of dosimeters of ionizing and UV radiation and the use of these dosimeters in the field of therapy, diagnostics, and environmental protection in Radioecology and microdosimetry (2011-2014) III 43011.Project leader Phd Goran Ristić (Electronic Faculty Niš).
PARTICIPATION IN COMMISSIONS DEFENSE master's theses and doctoral dissertations
1. Member of the commission for the defense of master's thesis candidate Vladimir Markovic, entitled "Calculation of dose conversion factors of beta and gamma radiation due to short-lived radon progeny using application software PENELOPE", which was defended in 2009 at the Faculty of Science in Kragujevac.
2. Member of the commission for evaluation and defense of doctoral dissertation candidates Dušice Mr. Vucic, entitled "Application ICRP66 respiratory tract dosimetry model for calculating the effective dose of the real population exposed to radon."
3. Member of Commission for the assessment of the scientific merits of the proposed doctoral thesis candidate Vesna Manic, an assistant at the Department of Physics Faculty in Nis, entitled "Determination of gamma dose from natural radionuclides in building materials."
4. Member of Commission for the assessment of the scientific merits of the proposed doctoral thesis candidate Brankice Mr. Jovanovic, entitled "Simulation Bystander effect caused by alpha radiation in bifurkacionoj structure of trachea bronchial tree of man."
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