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CURRICULUM VITAE Mailing address Sites: DATE OF THE BIRTH PLACE OF BIRTH EDUCATION Mphyl thesis: PhD thesis: EMPLOYMENT Academic position: Teaching assistant Research position: Research assistant Course assistant and duration: Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac, Serbia Higher School Professional Studies, Arandjelovac, Serbia Higher Technical School of Professional Studies Completed courses or seminars: IV International GEANT4 School, Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia, October 23-28, 2016 Cern School - Danube School on Instrumentation in Elementary particle and Nuclear physics, September 8-13, 2014. University of Novi Sad, Serbia DoReMi course: Training course on Modeling radiation effects from initial physical events - learning modelling approaches and techniques in radiation biophysics and radiobiology research, from basics mechanisms to applications, May 28-June 8, 2012, Unuversity of Pavia, Italy
Member of Serbian Physical Society, and member of the committee for Physics competition in Serbia. Serbian team leader at International Physics Olympiad IPHO 2015 Mumbai – India - http://www.ipho2015.in/ Scientific career
LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Books 1. N. Stevanovic, V. Markovic and D. Nikezic. Behavior of radon, thoron and their progeny in a room, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing - ISBN-13: 978-3-659-68290-2, ISBN-10: 365968290X, 2015-02-02. (M11) Book chapters 3. V. Markovic, N. Stevanovic, D. Krstic and D. Nikezic. Beta and gamma dose assessment due to radon short lived progeny. Handbook of Radon: Properties, Applications and Health,Nova Publishers - ISBN: 978-1-62100-177-5, pp.63-100, 2012. (M12) 2. D. Nikezic, V.M. Markovic, N. Stevanovic, V. Urosevic, B. Milenkovic and J. Stajic. Radon diffusion through the medium. Handbook of Radon: Properties, Applications and Health, Nova Publishers - ISBN: 978-1-62100-177-5, pp.311-334, 2012. (M14) 1. N. Stevanovic, V.M. Markovic, D. Nikezic. Influence of Ventilation Rate on Radon and Thoron Progeny Concentrations in a Room. Ventilation: Types, Standards and Problems, Nova Publishers - ISBN: 978-1-61324-424-1, pp.111-134, 2011. (M14) 1. Papers printed in International Journal on ISI list 1.27. N. Stevanovic, V.M. Markovic, M. Milosevic, A. Djurdjevic, J.M. Stajic, B. Milenkovic, D. Nikezic Correlations between track parameters in a solid-state nuclear track detector and its diffraction pattern, Radiation Physics and Chemistry 193 (2022) 109986, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.radphyschem.2022.109986 1.26. V.M. Markovic, J.M. Stajic, B. Milenkovic, N. Stevanovic, Alpha track distribution on lateral wall of cylindrical radon diffusion chamber, Radiation Physics and Chemistry 191 (2022) 109873 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.radphyschem.2021.109873 1.25. J.M. Stajic, V.M. Markovic, B. Milenkovic, N. Stevanovic, D. Nikezic, Distribution of alpha particle tracks on CR-39 detector in radon diffusion chamber, Radiation Physics and Chemistry 181 (2021) 109340, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.radphyschem.2020.109340 1.24. Maja Eremic Savkovic, Vladimir Udovicic, Dimitrije Maletic, Gordana Pantelic, Predrag Ujic, Igor Celikovic, Sofija Forkapic, Vladimir Markovic , Vesna Arsic, Jovana Ilic and Branko Markoski, Results of the first national indoor radon survey performed in Serbia, J. Radiol. Prot. 40 (2020) N22–N30 (9pp), https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6498/ab749e 1.23. V.M. Markovic, N. Stevanovic, D. Nikezic, Monte Carlo investigation of electron specific energy distribution in a single cell model, Radiation and Environmental Biophysics 53 (2020) 1161-171, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00411-019-00815-z 1.22. V.M. Markovic, A.G.Markovic, N. Stevanovic, D. Nikezic, Rn progeny diffusion, deposition and track distribution in diffusion chamber with permeable membrane, Radiation Measurements 124 (2019) 146–157 1.21. V.M. Markovic, N. Stevanovic, D. Nikezic, Propagation of light from dipole source and generalization of Fresnel-Kirchhoff integral, Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 180 (2019) 447–454 1.20. N. Stevanovic, V.M. Markovic, D. Nikezic, Simple method for numerical solving of Schrodinger equation for hydrogen atom in electric field, Nuclear Technology & Radiation Protection: Year 2018, Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 239-245 1.19. V.M. Markovic, D. Nikezic, N. Stevanovic,Time dependence of 222Rn/220Rn and its progeny distributions in diffusion chamber, NUCL INSTRUM METH A, 872:93-99, 2017, ISSN:0168-9002, IF:1.326 (M21) 1.18. V.M. Markovic, D. Nikezic, N. Stevanovic,222Rn and 220Rn diffusion in two mediums, NUCL INSTRUM METH A, 857:16-23, 2017, ISSN:0168-9002, IF:1.326 (M21) 1.17. N. Stevanovic, V.M. Markovic, D. Nikezic, New method for determination of diffraction light pattern of the arbitrary surface, Optics and Laser Technology, Volume 90:90-95, 2017, ISSN: 0030-3992, IF=1.879 (M22)) 1.16. Udovicic Vladimir, Maletic Dimitrije, Eremic-Savkovic Maja, Pantelic Gordana, Ujic Predrag, Celikovic Igor, Forkapic Sofija, Nikezic Dragoslav, Markovic Vladimir, Arsic Vesna, Ilic Jovana , First steps towards national radon action plan in Serbia, NUKLEONIKA, , vol. 61 br. 3, str. 361-365, 2016, ISSN: 0029-5922, IF=0.546 (M23) 1.15. N. Stevanovic. V.M. Markovic, Diffraction pattern by rotated conical tracks in solid state nuclear track detectors, Optics and Laser Technology, Volume 80:204-208, 2016, ISSN: 0030-3992, IF=1.879 (M22) 1.14. Dragana Krstic, Zoran Jovanovic, Vladimir Markovic, Dragoslav Nikezic, Vlade Urosevic MCNP simulation of the dose distribution in liver cancer treatment for BNC therapy, Central European Journal of Physics, Volume 12(10): 714-718, 2014, doi: 10.2478/s11534-014-0507-2, Print ISSN: 1895-1082, Online ISSN: 1644-3608, IF= 1.077 (M23) 1.13. D. Krstic, V.M. Markovic, Z. Jovanovic, B. Milenkovic, D. Nikezic, J. Atanackovic Monte carlo calculations of lung dose in ORNL phantom for boron neutron capture therapy Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol 161(1-4): 269-273, 2014, , doi: 10.1093/rpd/nct365 , ISSN: 0144-8420,IF= 0.909 (M22) 1.12. V.M. Markovic, N. Stevanovic, D. Nikezic, Dž. F. Pucic, V. Urosevic , Specific energy distribution within cytoplasm and nucleoplasm of a typical mammalian cell due to various beta radionuclides. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 299(3): 1723-1730, 2014, doi: 10.1007/s10967-013-2874-3, Print ISSN: 0236-5731 Online ISSN: 1588-2780, IF=1.467. (M21) 1.11 V.M. Markovic, D. Krstic, N. Stevanovic. and D. Nikezic, Photon albedo for water, concrete and iron at normal incidence, and dependence on the thickness of reflecting material. Nuclear Technology & Radiation Protection: Year 2013, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 36-44, 2013, doi: 10.2298/NTRP1301000M, ISSN: 1451-3994, IF=1.159. (M22) 1.10. D. Krstic, V.M. Markovic, D. Nikezic and D. Vucic Absorbed fractions in sensitive regions of human respiratory tract calculated by mcnp5/x software for electrons and beta particles due to radon progeny. Romanian Journal of Physics Vol. 58, S164–S171, 2013, ISSN: 1221-146X, IF=0.745. (M23) 1.9. N. Stevanovic. V.M. Markovic, M. Arsenijevic, D. Nikezic, Influence electron motion in target atom on stopping power for low-energetic ions. Nuclear Technology & Radiation Protection: Year 2012, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 113-116, 2012, doi: 10.2298/NTRP1202113S, ISSN: 1451-3994, IF=1.159. (M22) 1.8. V.M. Markovic, D. Krstic, D. Nikezic, N. Stevanovic. Doses from radon progeny as a source of external beta and gamma radiation. Radiat Environ Biophys, 51 pp. 391–397, 2012, doi: 10.1007/s00411-012-0413-1, ISSN: 0301-634X, IF= 2.04. (M22) 1.7. V.M. Markovic, N. Stevanovic, D. Nikezic. Doses from beta radiation in sensitive layers of human lung and dose conversion factors due to 222Rn/220Rn progeny, Radiat Environ Biophys, 50(3), pp. 431-440, 2011, doi: 10.1007/s00411-011-0369-6, ISSN: 0301-634X, IF=2.04. (M22) 1.6. D. Nikezic, V.M. Markovic, D. Krstic and P.K.N. Yu. Doses in human organs due to alpha, beta and gamma radiations emitted by thoron progeny in the lung. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 141(4): 428-431, 2010, doi: 10.1093/rpd/ncq237, ISSN: 0144-8420, IF=0.966. (M22) 1.5. N. Stevanovic, V.M. Markovic, D. Nikezic. Relationship between deposition and attachment rates in the Jacobi room model. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity,vol 101 (5): 349-352, 2010, doi: 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2010.02.002 , ISSN: 0265-931X, IF =1.466. (M23) 1.4. V.M. Markovic, D. Krstic, D. Nikezic. Gamma and beta doses in human organs due to radon progeny in human lung. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 135(3): 197 - 202, 2009, doi: 10.1093/rpd/ncp106, ISSN: 0144-8420, IF=0.951. (M22) 1.3. N. Stevanovic V.M. Markovic, D. Nikezic. Deposition rates of unattached and attached fractions in room at turbulent airflow and ventilation. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 100(7): 585-589, 2009. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2009.04.007, ISSN:0265-931x, IF =1.268. (M23) 1.2. N. Stevanovic V. Markovic, V. Urosevic and D. Nikezic. Determination of parameters of Jacobi room model using the Brownian motion model. Health Physics, 96(1): 48-54, 2009,doi: 10.1097/01.HP.0000326328.47540.6d, ISSN: 0017-9078, IF=0.917. (M22) 1.1. V. Markovic, N. Stevanovic and D. Nikezic. Absorbed fractions for electrons and beta particles in sensitive regions of human respiratory tract. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics. 47:139-145, 2008, doi: 10.1007/s00411-007-0135-y, ISSN:0301-634X, IF=1.787. (M22) 2. Papers on international conferences 2.20. Zeljko Cimbaljevic, Vladimir M. Markovic, Nenad Stevanovic, Marko Milosevic, Teaching apparatus with Arduino for RC circuit analysis 9th International conference on “Education of physics in schools”, March 15-17. 2021. Aleksicanc, Serbia, (M33) 2.19. Vladimir M. Marković, Nenad Stevanović, Milan S. Kovačević, Teaching apparatus with Arduino for RC circuit analysis 9th International conference on “Education of physics in schools”, March 15-17. 2021. Aleksicanc, Serbia, (M33) 2.18. Nenad Stevanovic, Vladimir M. Markovic, Experiment as motivation, 8th International conference on “Education of physics in schools”, March 27-29. 2020. Aleksicanc, Serbia, (M33) 2.17. Nenad Stevanovic, Vladimir Markovic, Milan Kovacevic, Experiments in physics usingmodern technologies International conference on “Education of physics and related sciences”, October 05-07. 2018. Subotica, Serbia, (M33) 2.16. Nenad Stevanovic, Vladimir Markovic, Laws of geometrical and physical optics in physics lectures International conference on “Education of physics and related sciences”, October 05-07. 2018. Subotica, Serbia, (M33) 2.14. Vladimir Markovic, Nenad Stevanovic, Methods for studying dumped electrical oscillations. 6th International conference on “Education of physics in schools”, March 09-11. 2018. Aleksicanc, Serbia, (M31) 2.13. Nenad Stevanovic, Vladimir Markovic, Law of geometrical optics based on Huygens–Fresnel principle. 6th International conference on “Education of physics in schools”, March 09-11. 2018. Aleksicanc, Serbia, (M33) 2.12. Nenad Stevanovic, Vladimir Markovic, Aleksandar Markovic Circuit bridges of alternative currents. 5th International conference on “Education of physics in schools”, March 03-05. 2017. Aleksicanc, Serbia, (M33) 2.11. Aleksandar Markovic, Vladimir Markovic, Nenad Stevanovic Magnetic field of Helmholtz coils. 5th International conference on “Education of physics in schools”, March 03-05. 2017. Aleksicanc, Serbia, (M33) 2.10. Vladimir Udovičić, Dimitrije Maletić, Maja Eremić Savković, Gordana Pantelić, Predrag Ujić, Sofija Forkapić, Nenead Stevanović, Vladimir M. Marković, Vesna Arsić. First step towards national radon action plan in Serbia. 2nd International conference “Radon in the environment 2015”, May 25-29. 2015. Krakov, Poland, pp. 75. (M34) 2.9.V. Udoviĉić, D. Maletić, M. Eremić Savković, G. Pantelić, P. Ujić, I. Ĉeliković, S. Forkapić, D. Nikezić, V. M. Marković, V. Arsić. NATIONAL PROGRAMME FOR THE CONTROL OF PUBLIC EXPOSURE TO RADON IN SERBIA, V International Congress BIOMEDICINE AND GEOSCIENCES – INFLUENCE OF ENVIRONMENT ON HUMAN HEALTH, Asocijacija geofizicara i ekologa Srbije (AGES), pp. 32 - 39, issn: 978-86-80140-01-8 , Srbija, 3. - 4. Mar, 2015 Invited Lectures (M33) 2.8. Dragana Krstic, Vladimir Markovic, Dragoslav Nikezic, Dusica Vucic. Absorbed fractions of electrons and beta particles due to radon progeny in sensitive regions of human respitatory tract calculated by MCNP5/X. The First International Conference on Radiation and Dosimetry in Various Fields of Reserch-RAD2012, 2012, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niš, Niš, Serbia, ISBN:978-86-6125-063-7, Srbija, 25.-27.04.2012, (M34) 2.7. B. Milenkovic, D. Krstic, D. Nikezic, N. Stevanovic, J. Stajic, V.M. Markovic, Analysis of proton tracks etched in reverse direction in PADC detector used for neutron irradiation The first international conference on radiation and dosimetry in various fields of research, 25-27.04.2012. University of Nis, Serbia, pp 93-96, ISBN: 978-86-6125-063-7. (M33) 2.6. D. Nikezic, V.M. Markovic, D. Krstic,D. Vucic. Absorbed fractions of electrons and beta particles due to radon progeny insensitive regions of human respiratoru tract calculated by MCNP5/X. Firse Europian radon Symposium FERAS 02-05.09.2012. Romania, pp 67-67, ISBN: 978-973-53-0857-5, (M34) 2.5. D. Krstic, V.M. Markovic, D. Nikezic, N. Stevanovic. Total and angular photon albedo for water, concrete and iron, and dependence on the thickness of reflecting material. 14th International Congress of radiation Research, August 28 September 1, 2011, Warshaw, Poland, pp 212-212. (M34) 2.4. V.M. Markovic, D. Krstic, D. Nikezic, N. Stevanovic. External doses from radon progeny. VIth Hungarian Radon Forum and Radon in environment Satellite Workshop Veszprem - Hungary, May 16-17, pp 189-196, 2011, ISBN: 978-615-5044-51-9. (M33) 2.3. V.M. Markovic, D. Krstic, D. Nikezic, N. Stevanovic. Jacobi room model parameters for radon progeny at turbulent airflow. VIth Hungarian Radon Forum and Radon in environment Satellite Workshop Veszprem - Hungary, May 16-17, pp 117-126, 2011, ISBN: 978-615-5044-51-9. (M33) 2.2. V.M. Markovic, N.Stevanovic and D. Nikezic. Beta doses in human respiratory tract due to radon progeny. 6th International Student Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, ISCBPU-6, Bodrum - TURKEY. (M34) 2.1. N. Stevanovic, V.M. Markovic and B.Drljaca. Influence of aerosol concentration on Jacobi room model parameters. 6th International Student Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, ISCBPU-6, Bodrum - TURKEY. (M34) 3. National Monograph 3.1. Dragana Krstic, Dragoslav Nikezic, Nenad Stevanovic, Vladimir Markovic , VERTICAL PROFILE OF 137CS IN SOIL FIFTEEN YEARS AFTER CHERNOBYL NUCLEAR ACCIDENT, Drustvo za zastitu od zracenja Srbije i Crne Gore, pp. 214 - 222, ISBN: 978-86-7306-138-2, 2016. (M45) 4. Papers on the national conferences 4.28 Jelena STAJIC, Biljana MILENKOVIC, Nenad STEVANOVIC, Vladimir M. MARKOVIC, Dragoslav NIKEZIC POREĐENJE FUNKCIJA ODGOVORA CR-39 DETEKTORA ZA DETEKCIJU ALFA ZRACENJA, XXXI Simpozijum DZZSCG, 06-08. oktobar 2021. Beograd, Srbija 4.27 Nenad STEVANOVIC, Vladimir MARKOVIC, Marko MILOSEVIC,Jelena STAJIC, Biljana MILENKOVIC,VREMENSKA ZAVISNOST GUSTINE TRAGOVA NA TRAG DETEKTORIMA U DIFUZIONOJ KOMORI, XXXI Simpozijum DZZSCG, 06-08. oktobar 2021. Beograd, Srbija 4.26 Milan Kovacevic, Nenad Stevanovic, Vladimir M. Markovic, ,Školski eksperimenti iz fizike, Nastava fizike - Zbornik radova sa Republickog seminara o nastavi fizike, Društvo fizičara Srbije, 10. - 12. maj 2019. Kladovo (M63) 4.25. Milan Vucinic, Vladimir M. Markovic, Nenad Stevanovic, , Digitalno odredjivanje parametara difrakcione slike svetlosti, Nastava fizike - Zbornik radova sa Republickog seminara o nastavi fizike, Društvo fizičara Srbije, 24. - 26. maj 2018. Kladovo (M63) 4.24. Vladimir M. Markovic, Milan S. Kovacevic, Nenad Stevanovic, , Inovativne laboratorijske vezbe iz fizike, Nastava fizike - Zbornik radova sa Republickog seminara o nastavi fizike, Društvo fizičara Srbije, 24. - 26. maj 2018. Kladovo (M63) 4.23. Nenad Stevanovic, Vladimir Markovic, Izrada Teslinog transformatora u školi, Nastava fizike - Zbornik radova sa Republickog seminara o nastavi fizike, Društvo fizičara Srbije, 11. - 13. maj 2017. Šabac (M63) 4.22. Vladimir Markovic, Nenad Stevanovic, Dalibor Rajković, Karakteristike rednog RLC kola, Nastava fizike - Zbornik radova sa Republickog seminara o nastavi fizike, Društvo fizičara Srbije, pp. 159-162, ISBN: 2406-2626, Zlatibor, 12.-14. Maj 2016. (M63) 4.21. Vladimir Markovic, Nenad Stevanovic, Dušan Ljubenkovic, Predrag Simonovic, Odredivanje karakteristika magnetika, Nastava fizike - Zbornik radova sa Republickog seminara o nastavi fizike, Društvo fizičara Srbije, pp. 155-158, ISBN: 2406-2626, Zlatibor, 12.-14. Maj 2016. (M63) 4.20. Vladimir Udovičić, Dimitrije Maletic, Maja Eremic Savkovic, Gordana Pantelic, Predrag Ujic, Igor Celikovic, Sofija Forkapić, Dragoslav Nikezic, Vladimir Markovic, Vesna Arsic, Jovana Ilic, Per Nilsson, Preliminary results of the first national indoor radon survey in Serbia, 8th International Conference on Protection against Radon at Home and at Work, Ceské vysoké ucení technické v Praze Praha, August 2016, vol. , no. , pp. 61 - 61, issn: 978-80-01-05993-7, Ceška, 12. - 14. Sep, 2016 (M34) 4.19. Vladimir Udovičić, Dimitrije Maletić, Maja Eremić Savković, Gordana Pantelić, Predrag Uljić, Igor Celikovic, Dragoslav Nikezic, Vladimir Markovic, Per Nilsson, Sofija Forkapić, Vesna Arsic, Jovana Ilic, FIRST NATIONAL INDOOR RADON SURVEY IN SERBIA, The Fourth International Conference on Radiation and Applications in Various Fields of Research (RAD 2016), University of Niš, Faculty of Electronic Engineering P.O.Box 73, 18000 Niš, Serbia, pp. 490 - 490, issn: 978-86-6125-160-3, Srbija, 23. - 27. May, 2016 (M34) 4.18. Dimitrije Maletic, Vladimir Udovičić, Maja Eremic Savkovic, Gordana Pantelic, Predrag Ujic, Igor Celikovic, Sofija Forkapić, Dragoslav Nikezic, Vladimir Markovic, Vesna Arsic, Jovana Ilic, Representativeness of the First National Indoor Radon Survey in Serbia, V Terrestrial Radioisotopes in Environment - International Conference on Environmental Protection, Social Organization for Radioecological Cleanliness, vol. , no. , pp. 11 - 11, issn: 978-963-12-5537-9, udc: , doi: , Madarska, 17. - 20. May, 2016 (M34) 4.17. Vladimir Udovičić, Sofija Forkapić, Dimitrije Maletic, Maja Eremic Savkovic, Gordana Pantelic, Predrag Ujic, Igor Celikovic, Dragoslav Nikezic, Vladimir Markovic, Vesna Arsic, J. Ilic, SAMPLING DESIGN OF THE FIRST NATIONAL INDOOR RADON SURVEY IN SERBIA, International Workshop on the European Atlas of Natural Radiation, IWEANR2015,Italy, 9. - 13. Nov, 2015 (M34) 4.16. Vladimir Udovičić, Dimitrije Maletić, Maja Eremić Savković,Gordana Pantelić,Predrag Uljić, Igor Čeliković, Sofija Forkapić, Dragoslav Nikezić, Vladimir Marković, Vesna Arsić, Jovana Ilić, Nacionalni program merenja radona u Srbiji, Zbornik radova, XXVIII Simpozijum Društva za Zaštitu od Zracenja Srbije i Crne Gore, 30. IX - 2. X 2015. gogine, Vršac, Srbija, pp 173-180, ISBN: 978-86-7306-135-1, 2015. (M63) 4.15. Nenad STEVANOVIC, Vladimir M. MARKOVIC, Dušica SPASIC, DIFRAKCIONE SLIKE NA KONUSNIM I SFERNIM OBJEKTIMA. Zbornik radova, XXVIII Simpozijum Društva za Zaštitu od Zracenja Srbije i Crne Gore, 30. IX - 2. X 2015. gogine, Vršac, Srbija, pp 173-180, ISBN: 978-86-7306-135-1, 2015. (M63) 4.14. Jelena Zivkovic Radovanovic, Nenad Stevanovic Vladimir M. Markovic, Dragoslav Nikezic i Biljana Milenkovic Simulacija niskoenergetskih protona kroz celije. Zbornik radova, XXVII Simpozijum Društva za Zaštitu od Zracenja Srbije i Crne Gore, Vrnjacka Banja, Srbija, pp 602-607, ISBN: 978-86-7306-115-3, 2013. (M63) 4.13. Dragana Krstic, Biljana Milenkovic, Vladimir Markovic, Dragoslav Nikezic i Jovica Atanackovic. Racunanje apsorbovane doye u plucima ORNL fantoma za BNC terapiju. Zbornik radova, XXVII Simpozijum Društva za Zaštitu od Zracenja Srbije i Crne Gore, Vrnjacka Banja, Srbija, pp 251-254, ISBN: 978-86-7306-115-3, 2013. (M63) 4.12. Danijela Bogavac, Nenad Stevanovic, Vladimir Markovic, Dragoslav Nikezic i Jelena Stajic. Jonizacija i ekscitacija molekula vode u celijamausled prolaska alfa cestica. Zbornik radova, XXVII Simpozijum Društva za Zaštitu od Zracenja Srbije i Crne Gore, Vrnjacka Banja, Srbija, pp 241-245, ISBN: 978-86-7306-115-3, 2013. (M63) 4.11. Biljana Milenkovic, Dragoslav Nikezic i Vladimir Markovic. Primena detektora CR-39 u detekciji i dozimetriji neutrona. Zbornik radova, XXVI Simpozijum Društva za Zaštitu od Zracenja Srbije i Crne Gore, Tara, Srbija, pp 306-310,ISBN: 978-86-7306-105-4, 2011. (M63) 4.10. Vladimir Markovic, Nenad Stevanovic i Dragoslav Nikezic. Raspodela specificne energije beta zracenja unutar celije. Zbornik radova, XXVI Simpozijum Društva za Zaštitu od Zracenja Srbije i Crne Gore,, Tara, Srbija, pp 224-228,ISBN: 978-86-7306-105-4, 2011. (M63) 4.9. Vlade Uroševic, Aca Đokic, Stefan Vukajlovic i Vladimir Markovic. Daljinsko upravljanje atomtex 1125 detktorom. Zbornik radova, XXVI Simpozijum Društva za Zaštitu od Zracenja Srbije i Crne Gore, Tara, Srbija pp 354-360, ISBN: 978-86-7306-105-4, 2011. (M63) 4.8. Jelena Stajic, Vladimir Markovic , Dragana Krstic i Dragoslav Nikezic. Koncentracija prirodnih radionuklida u duvanu. Zbornik radova, XXVI Simpozijum Društva za Zaštitu od Zracenja Srbije i Crne Gore,Tara, Srbija, pp 174-177, ISBN: 978-86-7306-105-4, 2011. (M63) 4.7. Dragana Krstic, Vladimir Markovic i Dragoslav Nikezic. Refleksija elektromagnetnog zracenja od zaštitnih materijala. Zbornik radova, XXVI Simpozijum Društva za Zaštitu od Zracenja Srbije i Crne Gore, Tara, Srbija, pp 19-32, ISBN: 978-86-7306-105-4, 2011. (M63) 4.6. Nened Stevanovic, Vladimir M. Markovic, Dragoslav Nikezic, Biljana Milenkovic, Jelena Stajic. Korekcija ljuske za zaustavnu moc za niskoenergetske jone. Zbornik radova, XXVI Simpozijum Društva za Zaštitu od Zracenja Srbije i Crne Gore, Tara, Srbija, pp 14-18, ISBN: 978-86-7306-105-4, 2011. (M63) 4.5. Vladimir Markovic, Nenad Stevanovic;, Biljana Milenkovic, Dragoslav Nikezic, Ukupni brojni i uglovni albedo FOTONA za vodu, beton i gvožde U zavisnosti od debljine materijala. 54. Konferencije ETRAN-a, Donji Milanovac, Srbija, 2010. (M63) 4.4. Biljana Milenkovic, Nenad Stevanovic, Vladimir Markovic; i Dragoslav Nikezic, Efikasnost detekcie protona nastalih u CR-39 detektoru ozracenom neutronima iz AM-BE izvora. 54. Konferencije ETRAN-a, Donji Milanovac, Srbija, 2010. (M63) 4.3. Markovic, V.M.; Nikezic, D.; Krsitc D. Gama i beta doze u ljudskim organima izazvane radonovim potomcima nataloženim u plucima. Zbornik radova, XXV Simpozijum Društva za Zaštitu od Zracenja Srbije i Crne Gore, Kopaonik, Srbija, pp 172-176, ISBN: 978-86-7306-112-2, 2009. (M63) 4.2. Stevanovic, N.; Markovic, V.M.; Nikezic, D. Parametri Jakobijevog modela u prostoriji pri turbulentnom kretanju vazduha. Zbornik radova, XXV Simpozijum Društva za Zaštitu od Zracenja Srbije i Crne Gore, Kopaonik, Srbija, pp 345-349, ISBN: 978-86-7306-105-4, 2009. (M63) 4.1. V. Markovic and D. Nikezic, Absorbovana frakcija elektrona u ljudskom respiratornom traktu . Zbornik radova, XXIV Simpozijum Društva za Zaštitu od Zracenja Srbije i Crne Gore , Zlatibor, Srbija, pp 209-213, 2007. ISBN: 978-86-7306-105-4 (M63)
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