Dr Dragoslav Nikezic
Mailing address
Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, University of Kragujevac
34000 Kragujevac
R.Domanovic 12
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e mail 2:
Aleksinac, Serbia, former Yugoslavia, now Serbia (South Eastern Europe).
BC -diploma in physics
Faculty of Philosophy, Group of Physics, University of Nis, Yugoslavia (1972-1976)
(Won awards as a best student in the class and as a best student at whole faculty on 1974).
Master thesis:
Calculation of the fluence and exposure dose indoor by Monte Carlo Method.
Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac. Yugoslavia (1984)
Doctoral in Physics (PhD):
Contribution to the experimental and theoretical studies of human indoor exposures.
Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac. Yugoslavia (1990)
Assistant professor, the subjects:
Radiation Physics,
Fortran programming,
Atomic and Nuclear Physics in the period 1991-1998.
Associate professor, the subjects:
Atomic and Subatomic Physics,
Fortran 90&95, programming, 1998-2005.
Full professor, the subject:
Atomic and Subatomic Physics, 2005-present
University Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain 1994-1995.
City University of Hong Kong 1998-2006, usually about 5 months per year, totally about 4.5 years.
Papers printed in International Journal on ISI list in reversed chronological order
2.174. D. Nikezic, K.N. Yu. Theoretical feasibility study on neutron spectrometry with the polyallyldiglycol carbonate (PADC) solid-state nuclear track detector. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 771, 21 January 2015, Pages 134-138
2.173. J. Stajic, D. Nikezic. The accuracy of radon and thoron progeny concentrations measured through air filtration Journal of Environmental Radioactivity Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 140, February 2015, Pages 50-58.
2.172 . J. Stajic, D., Nikezic. Measurement of radon exhalation rates from some building materials used in Serbian construction. Accepted in Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry. 2014.
2.171. Ljiljana Gulan, Zora S. Zunić, Gordana Milić, Tetsuo Ishikawa, Yasutaka Omori, Biljana Vučković, Dragoslav Nikezić, Dragana Krstić, and Peter Bossew.
First step of indoor thoron mapping of Kosovo and Metohija. Radiat Prot Dosimetry, Accepted first published online July 29, 2014 doi:10.1093/rpd/ncu250
2.170. Stajic, J., Nikezic D., Analysis of radon and thoron progeny measurements based on air filtration. Radiat Prot Dosimetry, Accepted first published online June 11, 2014 doi:10.1093/rpd/ncu183
2.169. V. Manic, D. Nikezic, D. Krstic and G. Manic. Assessments of indoor absorbed gamma dose rate from natural radionuclides in concrete by the method of build-up factors. Accepted in Radiation Protection Dosimetry, doi 10.1093/rpd/nct358
2.168. D. Krstic , V. M. Markovic, Z. Jovanovic, B. Milenkovic, D. Nikezic and J. Atanackovic
Monte Carlo calculations of lung dose in ORNL phantom for boron neutron capture therapy. Accepted in Radiation Protection Dosimetry. doi: 10.1093/rpd/nct365
2.167. B. Milenkovic, N. Stevanovic, D. Krstic and D. Nikezic. Neutron detection by a CR-39 detector and analysis of proton tracks etched in the same and opposite direction. Accepted in Radiation Protection Dosimetry, doi 10.1093/rpd/nct321
2.166. Krstic, D., Jovanovic, Z., Markovic, V., Nikezic, D.,Urosevic, V. MCNP simulation of the dose distribution in liver cancer treatment for BNC therapy. Central European Journal of Physics. 2014, 12(10) pp 714-718.
2.165. Stajic J., Nikezic D., Theoretical calculation of radon emanation factor. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 336, pp. 19-25, 2014.
2.164. B. Milenkovic, N. Stevanovic, D.Nikezic, D. Kosutic. Determination of a CR-39 detector response to neutrons from an Am–Be source. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 90(2014)225–228.
2.163. Nikezic D., K.N.Yu, J.M.Stajic. REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 85, 022102 (2014) Computer program for the sensitivity calculation of a CR-39 detector in a diffusion chamber for radon measurements. Review of Scientific Instruments 85, 022102 (2014)
2.162. Markovic, V.M., Stevanovic, N., Nikezic, D., Pucic, Dz.F., Urosevic, V.Specific energy distribution within cytoplasm and nucleoplasm of a typical mammalian cell due to various beta radionuclides 2013 Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry , 299 (3), pp. 1723-1730
2.161. Luković, B., Nikezić, D., Plećević, L. Probability of cell transformation effect per mSv induced by α-particle radiation. 2013 Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 298 (2) , pp. 1341-1346.
2.160. Jelenković, E.V., Kovačević, M., Jha, S., Tong, K.Y., Nikezić, D.
Defect generation in non-nitrided and nitrided sputtered gate oxides under post-irradiation Fowler-Nordheim constant current stress. 2013 Microelectronic Engineering 104 , pp. 90-94.
2.159. Marković, V.M., Krstić, D., Stevanović, N., Nikezić, D.R. Photon albedo for water, concrete, and iron at normal incidence, and dependence on the thickness of reflecting material. 2013 Nuclear Technology and Radiation Protection 28 (1) , pp. 36-44.
2.158. Gulan, L.R., Bochicchio, F., Carpentieri, C., Milić, G.A., Stajić, J.M., Krstić, D.Ž., Stojanovska, Z.A., Nikezic D., Žunić Z.S. High annual radon concentration in dwellings and natural radioactivity content in nearby soil in some rural areas of Kosovo and Metohija., 2013 Nuclear Technology and Radiation Protection 28 (1) , pp. 60-67.
2.157. Vučić, D.A., Nikezić, D., Vaupotič, J., Stojanovska, Z., Krstić, D., Žunić, Z.S.
Effective dose for real population exposed to indoor radon in dwellings of the former uranium mine area Kalna (Eastern Serbia) .2013 Romanian Reports of Physics 58 (SUPPL.) , pp. S336-S347
2.156. Krstic, D., Nikezic, D., Markovic, V.M., Vucic, D. Absorbed fractions in sensitive regions of human respiratory tract calculated by MCNP5/X software for electrons and beta particles due to radon progeny 2013Romanian Reports of Physics 58 (SUPPL.) , pp. S164-S171
155. Ćurguz, Z., Žunić, Z.S., Tollefsen, T., Jovanovič, P., Nikezić, D., Kolarž, P.
Active and passive radon concentration measurements and first-step mapping in schools of Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska 2013 Romanian Reports of Physics 58 (SUPPL.), pp. S90-S98
154. Manić, V., Manić, G., Nikezic, D., Krstic, D. Calculation of dose rate conversion factors for 238U, 232Th and 40K in concrete structures of various dimensions, with application to Niš, Serbia 2012. Radiation Protection Dosimetry 152 (4) , art. no. ncs058 , pp. 361-368.
153. Gulan, L., Milic, G., Bossew, P., Omori, Y., Ishikawa, T., Mishra, R., Mayya, Y.S., (...), Zunic, Z.S. Field experience on indoor radon, thoron and their progenies with solid-state detectors in a survey of Kosovo and Metohija (Balkan region) 2012 Radiation Protection Dosimetry 152 (1-3) , art. no. ncs221 , pp. 189-197.
152. Krstic, D., Nikezic, D. Efficiency of whole-body counter for various body size calculated by MCNP5 software 2012 Radiation Protection Dosimetry 152 (1-3) , art. no. ncs219 , pp. 179-183.
151. Markovic, V.M., Krstic, D., Nikezic, D., Stevanovic, N. Doses from radon progeny as a source of external beta and gamma radiation. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics 51 (4) , 2012, pp. 391-397
150. Yu, K.N., Nikezic, D. Long-term measurements of unattached radon progeny concentrations using solid-state nuclear track detectors, Applied Radiation and Isotopes 70 (7) , 2012, pp. 1104-1106.
149. Krstic, D., Cuknic, O., Nikezic, D. Application of MCNP5 software for efficiency calculation of a whole body counter. 2012, Health Physics 102 (6) , pp. 657-663.
148. Stevanović, N., Marković, V.M., Arsenijević, M., Nikezić, D. Influence of electron motion in target atom on stopping power for low-energetic Ions. Nuclear Technology and Radiation Protection 27 (2) , 2012, pp. 113-116.
147. Kovačević, M.S., Nikezić, D. Monte Carlo simulation of Goos-Hänchen shifts in multimode step-index plastic optical fibres. Physica Scripta (T149) , 2012 art. no. 014029.
146. J. Stajic, D. Nikezic.Detection efficiency of a disk shaped detector with a critical angle for particles with a finite range emitted by a point like source. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 2012. 70 (3) , pp. 528-532
145. Milivojević, J., Nikezic, D., Krstic, D., Jelic, M., Dalović, I. Influence of physical-chemical characteristics of soil on zinc distribution and availability for plants in vertisols of Serbia. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 20 (4) , pp. 993-1000, 2011.
144. Jovanovic B., Nikezic D., Stevanovic N. Applied mathematical modeling for calculating the probability of the cell killing per hit in the human lung. Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry Volume: 290 Issue: 3 Pages: 607-613 DOI: 10.1007/s10967-011-1331-4 Published: DEC 2011
144. Jovanovic B., Nikezic D. Dependence of the probability of biological effects per hit, induced by radiation emitted by 222Rn, from alpha particle energies and the geometry of tracheobronchial tree. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Article in press. DOI: DOI: 10.1007/s10967-011-1201-0
143. Jovanovic B., Nikezic D. Probability of bystander effct per mSv induce by a radiation. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Article in press. DOI: 10.1007/s10967-011-1110-2
142. Yu, K.N. , Nikezic, D., Long-term determination of airborne radon progeny concentrations using LR 115 solid-state nuclear track detectors, Radiat. Meas. Article in press. DOI: 10.1016/j.radmeas.2011.04.025.
141. Markovic V.M. Stevanovic N., Nikezic D. Doses from beta radiation in sensitive layers of human lung and dose conversion factors due to 222Rn/220Rn progeny. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics, Article in press. DOI: 10.1007/s00411-011-0369-6.
140. Milenkovic, B., Stevanovic, N.
, Nikezic, D., Ivanovic, M. Computer program Neutron-CR-39 for simulation of neutrons from an Am-Be source and calculation of proton track profiles. Computer Physics Communications. Volume 182, Issue 7, July 2011, Pages 1536-1542
139. J. Stajic, D. Nikezic. Hit probability of disk shaped detector with particles of finite range emitted by a point like source. Applied Radiation and Isotopes
Volume 69, Issue 6, June 2011, Pages 875-879.
138. Choi, V.W.Y. , Ng, C.K.M. , Nikezic, D. , Konishi, T. , Yu, K.N. Micro-collimators fabricated by chemical etching of thin polyallyldiglycol carbonate polymer films exposed to oxygen ions. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. Volume 631, Issue 1, 1 March 2011, Pages 6-11
137. D. Krsticand D. Nikezic. Debugging of ORNL Series of Mathematical Phantoms of Human Body. Acta physica Polonica A Vol. 119 No. 3. (2011)
136. V.W.Y. Choi, C.K.M.Ng, D.Nikezic, T.Konishi, K.N.Yu. Micro-collimators fabricated by chemical etching of thin polyallyldiglycol carbonate polymer films exposed to oxygen ions. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 631 (2011) 6–11.
135. B. Jovanovic, D. Nikezic Probability of bystander effect induced by alpha-particles emitted by radon progeny using the analytical model of tracheobronchial tree. Radiat. Prot. Dosim. Radiat Prot Dosimetry (2010) 142(2-4): 168-173 doi:10.1093/rpd/ncq277
134. Svetislav Savovic, Alexandar Djordjevich, Peter W. Tse, Dragoslav Nikezic. Explicit finite difference solution of the diffusion equation describing the flow of radon through soil. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Accepted, doi:10.1016/j.apradiso.2010.09.007
133. D. Nikezic, V. M. Markovic, D. Krstic, and P. K. N. Yu
Doses in human organs due to alpha, beta and gamma radiations emitted by thoron progeny in the lung. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Accepted doi:10.1093/rpd/ncq237
132. V. W. Y. Choi, C. K. M. Ng, R. K. K. Lam, M. Janik, A. Sorimachi, C Kranrod, D. Nikezic, S. Tokonami, and K. N. Yu. Long-term determination of airborne radon progeny concentrations using LR 115 detectors and the effects of thoron. Radiat Prot Dosimetry, 2010 doi:10.1093/rpd/ncq255
131. Milenkovic B., Nikezic D., Stevanovic N. A simulation of neutron interaction from Am-Be source with the CR-39 detector. Radiation Measurements, accepted, DOI: 10.1016/j.radmeas.2010.06.049
130. Dugalic, G. , Krstic, D., Jelic, M., Nikezic, D. , Milenkovic, B. , Pucarevic, M., Zeremski-Skoric, T. Heavy metals, organics and radioactivity in soil of western Serbia. Journal of Hazardous Materials. Volume 177, Issue 1-3, May 2010, Pages 697-702.
129. Stevanovic, N., Markovic V., Nikezic D. Relationship between deposition and attachment rates in Jacobi room model. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 101, Issue 5, May 2010, Pages 349-352.
128. Krstic, D., Nikezic, D. Calculation of the effective dose from natural radioactivity in soil using MCNP code. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 68(4-5) 946-947, 2010
127. D. Nikezic, K.N. Yu. Long-term determination of airborne concentrations of unattached and attached radon progeny using stacked LR 115 detector with multi-step etching. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, A 613 (2010) 245–250 doi:10.1016/j.nima.2009.11.058.
126. Yum, E.H.W., Choi, V.W.Y., Nikezic, D., Li, V.W.T., Cheng, S.H., Yu, K.N. Alpha-particle-induced bystander effects between zebrafish embryos in vivo, Radiation Measurements, Volume 44, Issues 9-10, October-November 2009, Pages 1077-1080
125. D. Nikezic, D. Krstic, S. Savovic. Response of diffusion chamber with LR115 detector and electret to radon and progeny. Radiation Measurements, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 23 September 2009 doi:10.1016/j.radmeas.2009.09.003 Volume 44, Issues 9-10, October-November 2009, Pages 783-786
124. Stevanovic N, Markovic VM, Nikezic D. Deposition rates of unattached and attached radon progeny in room with turbulent airflow and ventilation
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. Volume: 100 Issue: 7 Pages: 585-589. 2009.
123. Kovacevic MS, Djordjevich A, Nikezic D. Light in thermally propagation expanded core fibers with graded-index. Optica Applicata. Volume: 39, Issue : 2, Pages: 267-276: 2009
122. D.Nikezic, D. Krstic. Influence of an electret on the sensitivity of CR-39 nuclear track detector in diffusion chamber. Indian journal of physics and proceedings of the Indian association for the cultivation of science. Volume: 83 Issue: 6 Pages: 851-855. Published: JUN 2009
121. D. Nikezic and K.N. Yu. Dosimetric model of human lung and associated computer program. Indian journal of physics and proceedings of the Indian association for the cultivation of science Volume: 83 Issue: 6 Pages: 759-775. 2009
120. D. Krstic, D. Nikezic. Calculation of indoor effective dose factors in ORNL phantoms series due to natural radioactivity in building materials. Health Physics. Volume: 97 Issue: 4 Pages: 299-302. 2009
119. Markovic, Vladimir; Krstic, Dragana; Nikezic, D. Gamma and beta doses in human organs due to radon progeny in human lung. Radiation Protection Dosimetry Volume: 135 Issue: 3 : 197-202. 2009.
118. D. Nikezic and K.N. Yu. Light scattering from an assembly of tracks in a PADC film. Nuclear Instruments and Methods A. 602, Issue 2, 21 April 2009, Pages 545-551 2009.
117. B. Milenković, N. Stevanović, D. Krstić, D. Nikezić. Numerical solving of the track wall equation in LR115 detectors etched in direct and reverse directions. Radiation Measurements. 44, 1, January 2009, Pages 57-62.
116. N. Stevanovic, V. Markovic, V. Urosevic and D. Nikezic. Determination of parameters of the Jacobi room model using the Brownian motion model. Health Physics. 96(1):48-54, January 2009
115.Petrovic I, Petrovic V, Krstic D, Nikezic D., Bocvarski V. Expert system for analysis of spectra in nuclear metrology. International Journal of Modern physics C Volume: 19 Issue: 11 Pages: 1763-1775 Published: 2008
114. C.W.Y. Yip, D. Nikezic, K.N. Yu. Retrospective radon progeny measurements through measurements of 210Po activities on glass objects using stacked LR 115 detectors. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 266, Issue 23, December 2008, Pages 5050-5055
113. V. Urosevic, D. Nikezic, S. Vulovic. A theoretical approach to indoor radon and thoron distribution. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 99 (2008) 1829-1833.
112. D. Nikezic, K.N. Yu. Analyses of Light Scattered from Etched Alpha-particle Tracks in PADC. Radiation Measurements 43 (8) 1417-1422.
111. Yip CWY, Nikezic D, Yu KN. Retrospective radon progeny measurements for dwellings based on implanted Po-210 activities in glass objects. Radiation Measurements, Vol 43, S427-430, 2008.
110. Yu KN, Leung SYY, Nikezic D, Leung, J. K. C. Equilibrium factor determination using SSNTDs. Radiation Measurements, Vol 43, S357-363, 2008.
109. Law YL, Nikezic D, Yu KN. Optical appearance of alpha particle tracks in CR-39 SSNTDs. Radiation Measurements, Vol 43, S128-131, 2008.
108. Ng F. M. F., Tse K. C. C., Nikezic D., Dai Junfeng, Zhao Ziqiang, Yu, K. N. Surface effect of ultraviolet radiation on electrochemically etched alpha-particle tracks in PADC. Radiation Measurements, Vol 43, S102-105, 2008.
107. Tse KCC, Nikezic D, Yu KN. Effects of UVC irradiation on alpha-particle track parameters in CR-39. Radiation Measurements, Vol 43, S98-101, 2008.
106. D. Nikezić , K.N.Yu. "Computer program TRACK_VISION for optical appearance of etched tracks in CR39 nuclear track detectors". Accepted for publication in Computer Physics Communication. November 26, 2007
105. D. Nikezić N. Stevanović, D. Kostić, S. Savovic, K.C.C. Tse, K.N.Yu. Solving the track wall equation by the finite difference method. Accepted for publication in Radiation Measurements. August 29, 2007
104. V. Markovic, N. Stevanovic, D. Nikezic. Absorbed fractions for electrons and beta particles in sensitive regions of human respiratory tract. Accepted in Radiation and Environmental Biophysics. DOI. 10.1007/s00411-007-0135-y.
103. M.Kovacevic, A. Djordjevich, D. Nikezic. Analytical Optimisation ofOptical Fibre Curvature Gauges. IEEE Sensors Journals. Accepted for publication. 18.10. 2007.
102. D. Krstic, D. Nikezic, N. Stevanovic. D. Vucic. Radioactivity of some domestic and imported building materials from South Eastern Europe . Radiation Measurements. 42 (2007) 1731 – 1736.
101. N. Stevanovic D. Nikezic, Calculation of stopping power for partially stripped ion by using oscillator model. Eur. Phys. J. D 42, 397–406, 2007
100. M. Kovacevic, D. Nikezic. Replay to the comment on “Influence of bending on power distribution in step- index plastic optical fibers and calculation of bending loss”. Applied Optics Vol 46(24) August 2007.
99. S.Y.Y. Leung, D. Nikezic, J.K.C. Leung and K.N. Yu. Sensitivity of LR 115 SSNTD in a diffusion chamber. Nuclear Instruments and Methods Section B. Nuclear Instruments and Methods Section B,. Volume 263, Issue 1, October 2007, Pages 306-310
98. K.F. Chan, B.M.F. Lau, D. Nikezic, A.K.W. Tse, W.F. Fong and K.N. Yu. Simple preparation of thin CR-39 detectors for alpha-particle radiobiological experiments. Nuclear Instruments and Methods Section B. Volume 263, Issue 1, October 2007, Pages 290-293
97. K.F. Chan, F.M.F. Ng, D. Nikezic and K.N. Yu. Bulk and track etch properties of CR-39 SSNTD etched in NaOH/Ethanol. Nuclear Instruments and Methods Section B. Volume 263, Issue 1, October 2007, Pages 284-289
96. F.M.F. Ng, K.Y. Luk, D. Nikezic and K.N. Yu. Determination of alpha-particle track depths in CR-39 detector from their cross-sections and replica heights. Nuclear Instruments and Methods Section B. Volume 263, Issue 1, October 2007, Pages 266-270
95. S.Y.Y. Leung, D. Nikezic, J.K.C. Leung, K.N. Yu A study of the polyethylene membrane used in diffusion chambers for radon gas concentration measurements. Nuclear Instruments and Methods Section B. Volume 263, Issue 1, October 2007, Pages 311-316
94. K.N. Yu, H.H.W. Lee, A.W.T. Wong, Y.L. Law, S.F.L. Cheung, D. Nikezic and F.M.F. Ng. Optical appearance of alpha-particle tracks in CR-39 SSNTD. Nuclear Instruments and Methods Section B. Volume 263, Issue 1, October 2007, Pages 271-278
93. F.M.F. Ng, D. Nikezic and K.N. Yu. Long-term measurements of equilibrium factor with electrochemically etched CR-39 SSNTD. Nuclear Instruments and Methods Section B. Volume 263, Issue 1, October 2007, Pages 279-283
92. K.C.C. Tse, D. Nikezic and K.N. Yu. Comparative studies of etching mechanisms of CR-39 in NaOH/H2O and NaOH/Ethanol. Nuclear Instruments and Methods Section B. Volume 263, Issue 1, October 2007, Pages 300-305
91. K.C.C. Tse, F.M.F. Ng, D. Nikezic and K.N. Yu. Bulk etch characteristics of colorless LR 115 SSNTD. Nuclear Instruments and Methods Section B. Volume 263, Issue 1, October 2007, Pages 294-299
90. D. Krstic and D. Nikezic. Conversion coefficients for age dependent ORNL phantoms. Accepted in Nuclear Instruments and Methods A.
89 B. M. F. Lau, D. Nikezic and K. N. Yu. Killing of target cells due to radon progeny in the human lung. Radiation Protection Dosimetry (2006), 122: 534 - 536.
88. K. F. Chan, S. Y. M. Siu, K. E. McClella, A. K. W. Tse, B. M. F. Lau, D. Nikezic, B. J. Richardson, P. K. S. Lam, W. F. Fong and K. N. Yu . Alpha-particle radiobiological experiments using thin CR-39 detectors. Radiation Protection Dosimetry 2006. 122: 160 - 162
87. Krstic, D., N. Stevanovic, J. Milivojevic and Dragoslav Nikezic. Determination of the soil-to-grass transfer of 137Cs and its relation to several soil properties at various locations in Serbia. Isotopes in Environmental Health Studies Vol. 43, No. 1, March 2007, 65–73
86. D. Nikezic and N. Stevanovic. Room model with three modal distributions of attached 220Rn progeny and Dose conversion factor. Accepted in Radiation Protection Dosimetry. (2007), Vol. 123, No. 1, pp. 95–102.
85. D. Nikezic and N. Stevanovic "Behavior of 220Rn progeny in diffusion chamber" Nuclear Instruments and Methods A. Volume 570, Issue 1, 1 January 2007, Pages 182-186
84 S.Y.Y. Leung, D. Nikezic and K.N. Yu. Derivation of V function for LR 115 SSNTD from its partial sensitivity to 222Rn and its short-lived progeny. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 92, Issue 1, 2007, Pages 55-61
83 S.Y.Y. Leung, D. Nikezic, J.K.C. Leung and K.N. Yu. Derivation of V function for LR 115 SSNTD from its sensitivity to 220Rn in a diffusion chamber. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Volume 65, Issue 3, March 2007, Pages 313-317
82 D. Nikezic, C.W.Y. Yip, S.Y.Y. Leung, J.K.C. Leung and K.N. Yu. A further study of the (CR–LR) difference technique for retrospective radon exposure assessment. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 568, Issue 2, 1 December 2006, Pages 792-798.
81. D. Krstić and D. Nikezić. Input files with ORNL—mathematical phantoms of the human body for MCNP-4B. Computer Physics Communications, 176, Issue 1, 1 January 2007, Pages 33-37
80. D. Nikezic, B. Lau, K.N. Yu. “Comparison of dose conversion factors for radon progeny from the ICRP 66 regional model and an airway tube model of tracheobronchial tree", Radiation and Environmental Biophysics 45 (2): 153-157, 2006.
79. M. Kovacevic, D. Nikezic. “The influence of the bend on the power distribution in step-index plastic optical fibers and calculation of the bending loss.” Applied Optics 45 (26): 6675-6681,; 2006.
78. S.Y.Y. Leung, D. Nikezic, K.N. Yu. “Passive monitoring of the equilibrium factor inside a radon exposure chamber using bare LR 115 SSNTDs.” Nuclear Instruments and Methods A. 564 (1): 319-323 AUG 1 2006
77. D. Nikezic, B.M.F.Lau, N.Stevanovic, K.N. Yu. “Absorbed Dose in Target Cell Nuclei and Dose Conversion Coefficient of Radon Progeny in the Human Lung.” Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 89 (1): 18-29 2006
76 D. Krstic, D. Nikezic. “External doses in humans from 137Cs in soil.” Health Physics. 91 (3): 249-257 , 2006
75. Yu KN, Lau BMF, Nikezic D “Assessment of environmental radon hazard using human respiratory tract models.” Journal of Hazardous Materials 132 (1): 98-110, 2006
74. D. Nikezic and K.N. Yu Computer program TRACK_TEST for calculating parameters and plotting profiles for etch pits in nuclear track materials. Computer Physics Communications, 174(2), 15 January 2006, Pages 160-165.
73. D. Nikezic, D. Kostic, C.W.Y. Yip and K.N. Yu. Comparison among different models of track growth and experimental data. Radiation Measurements, Volume 41, Issue 3, Pages 253-256, March 2006.
72. C.W.Y. Yip, D. Nikezic, J.P.Y. Ho and K.N. Yu. Chemical etching characteristics for cellulose nitrate. Materials Chemistry and Physics, Volume 95, Issues 2-3, pages 307-312, February 2006.
71. D. Nikezic, K.N.Yu "Exposures to 222Rn and its progeny derived from implanted 210Po activity”. Radiation Measurements. Volume 41, Issue 1, Pages 101-107, January 2006.
70. Yu, K.N., Ng, F.M.F., Nikezic, D. Measuring depths of sub-micron tracks in CR-39 detector from replicas using Atomic Force Microscopy. Radiation Measurements, Volume 40, Issues 2-6, Pages 380-383, November 2005.
69. Nikezic, D., Ng, F.M.F., C.W.Y. Yip, Yu, K.N., "Application of ray tracing method in studying alpha tracks in SSNTDs", Radiation Measurements, Volume 40, Issues 2-6, Pages 375-379,November 2005
68. Yu, K.N., Nikezic, D., Ng, F.M.F., Leung, J.K.C., "Long-term Measurements of Radon Progeny Concentrations with Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors", Radiation Measurements, Volume 40, Issues 2-6, November 2005, Pages 560-568.
67. D. Nikezic, N.Stevanovic, Radon progeny behavior in diffusion chamber. Nuclear Instruments and Methods Section B. Volume 239, Issue 4, Pages 399-406, October 2005.
66. M. Kovacevic, D. Nikezic, A. Djordjevich. Modelling of the Loss and Mode Coupling that are Due to Irregular Core-Cladding Interface in SI POF. Applied Optics. 44 (19): 3898-3903, July 2005.
65. N.Stevanovic, D. Nikezic. Stopping power. Projectile and target modeled as oscillators. Physics Letters A. Vol 340/1-4 pp 290-298 , 2005
64. D. Nikezic and K. N. Yu. Are radon gas measurements adequate for epidemiological studies and case control studies of radon-induced lung cancer? Radiation Protection Dosimetry 2005 113(2):233-235.
63. D. Nikezic and K. N. Yu. Formation and growth of tracks in nuclear track materials. Material Science and Engineering R. (review paper). R, 46, 51-123 (2004).
62. Yu, K.N., Nikezic, D., "Letter to the Editor: Radon-222 signatures of natural ventilation regimes in an underground quarry", [Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 71 (2004) 17–32; 72 (2004) 369–370] Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 78, Issue 2, October 2004, Pages 247-248.
61. D. Krstic, D. Nikezic, N. Stevanovic, M. Jelic. (2004) Vertical distribution of 137Cs in soil. Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 61(6)1487-1492.
60. Nikezic, D., Ng, F.M.F., Yu, K.N., 2004. Theoretical basis for long-term measurements of equilibrium factor using LR 115 detector, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, accepted for publication. 61(6) 1431-1435.
59. K.N. Yu, F.M.F. Ng, D. Nikezic. Measurement of parameters of tracks in CR-39 detector from replicas Radiation Protection Dosimetry. 111(2004), 93-96
58. D. Nikezic and N. Stevanović. Room model with three modal distribution of attached radon progeny. Health Physics. 87(4), (2004),405-409
57. N. Stevanovic, D. Nikezic and A. Djordjevich. The recoil factor of 214Pb. Journal of Aerosol Science. 35(8) 1041-1050, (2004).
56. M. Kovacevic, D. Nikezic and A. Djordjevich. Monte Carlo simulation of curvature gauges by ray tracing. Measurement Science and Technology. 15 (2004) 1756–1761.
55. D. Nikezic and N. Stevanovic. Influence of variability of 214Pb recoil factor on lung dose. Radiation Protection Dosimetry. (2004) 109: 197-199
54. D. Nikezic, F.M.F. Ng, K.N. Yu. Sensitivity of LR 115 detectors in hemispherical chambers for radon measurements. Nucl. Instr. Meth B. 217. 637–643, (2004).
53. F. M. F. Ng, C. W. Y. Yip, J. P. Y. Ho, D. Nikezic and K. N. Yu. Non-destructive measurement of active layer thickness of LR 115 SSNTD. Radiation Measurements 38,1-3. 2004.
52. K.N.Yu, C.W.Y.Yip, D.Nikezic, J.P.Y.Ho, V.S.Y.Koo. Comparison among alpha-particle energy losses in air obtained from data of SRIM, ICRU and experiments, Applied Radiation and Isotopes 59, (5-6), 363-366, 2003
51. V.S.Y.Koo, C.W.Y.Yip, J.P.Y.Ho, D.Nikezic,K.N.Yu. Deposition fractions of 218Po in diffusion chambers. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 59, 49-52, 2003.
50. D. Nikezic and K. N. Yu. Calculations of track parameters and plots of track openings and wall profiles in CR39 detector, Radiation Measurements, 37, 595-601, 2003.
49. J.P.Y.Ho, C.W.Y.Yip, D.Nikezic and K.N.Yu. Differentiation between tracks and damages in CR39 detectors under atomic force microscope. Radiation Measurements.36(1-6) 155-159, 2003.
48. C.W.Y.Yip, J.P.Y.Ho, D.Nikezic and K.N.Yu. Study of inhomogeneity in thickness of LR115 detector; with SEM and Form Talysurf. Radiation Measurements. 36(1-6) 245-248, 2003.
47. J.P.Y.Ho, C.W.Y.Yip, D.Nikezic and K.N.Yu. Effect of stirring in the bulk etch rates of SSNTDs. Radiation Measurements. 36(1-6) 141-143, 2003.
46. C.W.Y.Yip, J.P.Y.Ho, D.Nikezic and K.N.Yu. A fast method to measure the thickness of removed layer from etching of LR115 detector based on EDXRF. Radiation Measurements. 36(1-6) 161-164, 2003.
45. C. W. Y. Yip, J. P. Y. Ho, V. S. Y. Koo, D. Nikezic and K. N. Yu Effects of stirring on the bulk etch rate of LR 115 detector, Radiation Measurements 37(3) 197-200, 2003
44. V. Urosevic and D. Nikezic. Radon transport through concrete and Determination of diffusion Coefficient. Radiation Protection Dosimetry 104(1), pp 65-70 (2003).
43. D. Nikezic, B. Novakovic and K.N. Yu. Absorbed fraction of radon progeny in human bronchial airways with the bifurcation geometry. International Journal of Radiation Biology. 79(3)175-180, Mart 2003.
42. D. Nikezic and K.N. Yu. Apsorbed fraction of alpha particles emitted in bifurcation regions of the human tracheo-bronchial tree. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics. 42, 49-53, 2003.
41. D. Nikezic and K.N. Yu. Quality factors for alpha particles in the human respiratory tract. Health Physics 84(5) 652-654 May 2003.
40. D. Nikezic and K.N. Yu. Three-dimensional analytical determination of the track parameters: over-etched tracks, Radiation Measurements 37(1),39-45. 2003.
39. D. Nikezic, J. P. Y. Ho, C. W. Y. Yip, V. S. Y. Koo and K.N.Yu Feasibility and limitation of track studies using atomic force microscopy. Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B. 197( 3-4), 293-300, (2002).
38.Koo, V.S.Y., Yip, C.W.Y., Ho, J.P.Y., Nikezic, D., Yu, K.N., "Experimental Study of Track Density Distribution on LR115 Detector and Deposition Fraction of 218Po in Diffusion Chamber", 2002, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Journal (Section A), 491(3), 470-473 (2002).
37. Ho, J.P.Y., Yip, C.W.Y., Koo, V.S.Y., Nikezic, D., Yu, K.N. Measurement of bulk etch rate of LR115 detector with atomic force microscopy. 2002, Radiation Measurements, 35(6), 571-573, (2002).
36. D. Nikezic and K.N.Yu. Profiles and parameters of tracks in LR115 detector irradiated with alpha particles, Nuclear Instruments and Methods. B. 196(1-2) 105- 112, (2002).
35. V.S.Y. Koo, C.W.Y. Yip, J.P.Y. Ho, D. Nikezic and K.N. Yu. Sensitivity of LR115 detector in diffusion chamber to 222Rn in the presence of 220Rn. Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 56(6), 953-956,(2002).
34. D.Nikezic and A. Janicijevic. Bulk etching rate of LR 115 detector. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 57(2), 275-278. 2002
33. D. Nikezic and K.N.Yu. Alpha-particle lineal energy spectra for the human lung. International Journal of Radiation Biology. 78(7), 605-609 , 2002
32. D. Nikezic, A.K.M.M.Haque and K.N.Yu. Effects of different deposition models on the calculated dose conversion factors from 222Rn progeny. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. 61(305-318) 2002
31. D. Nikezic and K. N. Yu. Incidence characteristics of alpha particles on detectors irradiated in a radon + progeny atmosphere, Nuclear Instruments and Methods. B., 187(4) 492-498, (2002)
30. D. Nikezic, A.K.M.M.Haque and K.N.Yu. Absorbed dose delivered by alpha particles calculated in cylidrical geometry. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. 60(3) 293-305. (2002)
29. D. Nikezic and K.N.Yu. Distributions of Specific Energy in Sensitive Layers of Human Respiratory Tract. Radiation Research, 157, 92-98, (2002)
28. D. Nikezic and K.N.Yu. Microdosimetric calculation of absorption fraction and the resulting dose conversion factor for radon progeny. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics 40:207-211, (2001)
27. T.T.K.Chueng, K.N.Yu and D. Nikezic. Bronchial dosimeter for radon progeny.
Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 55, 707-713,(2001)
26. Yu KN, Cheung TTK, Haque AKMM, Nikezic D, Lau BMF, Vucic D.Radon progeny dose conversion coefficients for Chinese males and females. Journal of environmental radioactivity 56 (3), 327-340 (2001)
25. D Nikezic, K N Yu and D Vucic. Absorbed fraction and dose conversion coefficients of alpha particles for radon dosimetry. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 46(7), 1963-1973, 2001
24. D. Nikezic and K.N. Yu. Alpha hit frequency of sensitive cells in T-B tree due to radon progeny. International Journal of Radiation Biology, Volume 77,(5), 559-565, (2001)
23.Yu, K.N., Wong, B.T.Y., Law, J.Y.P., Lau, B.M.F., Nikezic, D. Indoor Dose Conversion Coefficients for Radon Progeny for Different Ambient Environments. Environmental Science and Technology, 35, 2136-2140, (2001)
22. V. Urosevic and D. Nikezic. Simulation of skim of method for radon measurements with active charcoal. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 55(1), 127-130, (2001)
21. D. Nikezic and K. N. Yu. Uncertainty in Radon Measurements with CR39 Detector due to Unknown Deposition of 218Po. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Journal (Section A), Volume 450, Issues 2-3, 11, Pages 568-572, (2000)
20. D. Nikezic Three dimensional analytical determination of the track parameters.Radiation Measurements, 32, 277-282, (2000)
19. D. Nikezic and K. N. Yu. Monte сarlo calculations of LR115 detector response to 222Rn in the presence of 220Rn. Health Physics, 78, 414-419, (2000)
18. D. Nikezic, K.N.Yu, T.T.K.Cheung, A.K.M.M.Haque and D. Vucic. Effects of different lung morphometry models on the calculated lung dose from radon progeny. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 47, 263-277, (2000).
17. D.Nikezic, and K.N.Yu. Determination of deposition behaviour of 218Po from track density distribution on SSNTD in diffusion chamber. Nuclear Instruments And Methods. A 437, 531-537 (1999)
16. V. Urosevic, D. Nikezic, S. Vulovic i M. Kojic. Optimization of radon measurements with active charcoal. Health Physics, 76, 687-691, (1999).
15. D. Nikezic and K.N.Yu. Relationship between the Activity of 210Po incorporated in the surface of an object and potential a - energy concentration. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 47, 45-55,(1999)
14. D. Nikezic and K.N.Yu. Modelling radon progeny behaviour on surfaces and note on radon retrospective dosimetry. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 82, 141-146, (1999).
13. D. Nikezic and K.N.Yu. The influence of thoron and its progeny on radon measurements with CR39 detector in diffusion chamber. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research- A, 419, 175-180,(1998).
12. Nikezic, D. and Urosevic V. A theoretical study of radon measurement with activated charcoal. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 406, 486-498 (1998).
11. D. Kostic, D. Nikezic and Dj. Bek-Uzarov. Effective Dose Estimation for the Population in Kragujevac due to the Chernobyl Accident, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 34, 253-266 (1997).
10. D. Nikezic and D. Kostic. Simulation of the track growth and determining the track parameters. Radiation Measurements, 28, 185-190 (1997).
9. Nikezic, D. and Baixeras C. Radon, radon progeny and equilibrium factor determination using an LR115 detector, Radiation Measurements, 26, 203-213 (1996)
8. Nikezic, D., Baixeras, C. and Kostic, D. Sensitivity determination and optimization of a cylindrical diffusion chamber, for radon measurements, with a CR39 detector, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 373, 290-298 (1996)
7. Nikezic, D. and Krstic D. A study of amplifying the response of an LR115 solid state track detector by combining it with electret, Health Physics, 69, 944-948 (1995)
6. Nikezic, D. and Baixeras, C. Analysis of sensitivity of LR 115 II in cylindrical diffusion chambers for radon concentration determination, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 364, 531-536 (1995)
5. Nikezic, D., Kostic, D., Krstic, D., Savovic, S. Sensitivity of radon Measurements with CR-39 track etch detector - a Monte Carlo study, Radiation Measurements, 25, 647-648 (1995)
4. Nikezic, D. Determination of detection efficiency for radon and radon daughters with CR 39 track detector - a Monte Carlo study. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 344, 406-414 (1994).
3. Nikezic, D. and Velickovic D. Calibration coefficient for radon measurements with LR-115 track detector in different types of diffusion chambers. Radiation Measurements 23, 219-223 (1994).
2. Nikezic, D., Markovic, P. and Dj. Bek Uzarov. Determination of calibration coefficient for radon measurements using a track detector. Health Physics 64, 628 -632 (1993)
1. Nikezic, D., Markovic, P. and Dj. Bek Uzarov. Calculating the calibration coefficient for radon measurements with the bare LR-115 detector. Health Physics 62, 239-244 (1992)
(out of ISI list or sometimes in it)
3.1. P.Markovic, D. Nikezic, S. Milojevic. "Determination of total activity of water of the river and lake Gruza MAN AND ENVIRONMENT 6, pp. 44; Belgrade 1984
3.2. P. Markovic, D.Nikezic, S. Milojevic, D.Kostic. Some results of the radioecological study of lake Gruz. COLLECTION OF SCIENTIFIC PAPERS- Faculty of Sciences- Kragujevac 7, pp. 73-79; 1986
3.3. D.Nikezic, P.Markovic. "A Monte Carlo Calculation of the exposure dose due to the radioactive lightening rod", ACTA PHYSICA HUNGARICA 59, (1-2): pp. 91; 1986 (the Journal is on ISI list)
3.4. D.Nikezic, P.Markovic, Dj. Bek Uzarov. "Indoor exposure rate calculations using by Monte Carlo Method" REVUE ROUM. DE PHYSIQUE, 33, (4-6): pp. 777-780; (Invited Paper),1988
3.5. D.Nikezic, P.Markovic "The ratio of outdoor and indoor exposure dose rate after Chernobyl accident) COLLECTION OF SCIENTIFIC PAPERS- Faculty of Sciences- Kragujevac 9, pp 63-67;1988.
3.6. Nikezic, D., Vasiljevic and Markovic, P. Indoor radon concentration Measurements. Kernenergi Vol 32 (4), 168-169 (1989)(former East German Journal in Nuclear Physics, in SCI list for 1990, Joint to some West German Journal after German unification).
1. K.N. Yu, D. Nikezic, F.M.F. Ng J.K.C. Leung. Long-term Measurements of Radon Progeny Concentrations with Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors. INVITED TALK. 22ICNTS. Barcelona August 2004.
2. D. Nikezic, F.M.F. Ng, C.W.Y. Yip, K.N. Yu. Application of ray tracing method in studying alpha tracks in SSNTDs. 22ICNTS. Barcelona, August 2004.
3. K.N. Yu, F.M.F. Ng, D. Nikezic. Measuring depths of alpha-particle tracks in CR-39 detector from replicas. 22ICNTS. Barcelona, August 2004.
4. D. Nikezic, Lj. Vasiljevic, Markovic P. and D. Kostic. Indoor radon concentration measurements by using track etch detectors. XIV Regional congress of IRPA, pp 283, Dubrovnik 1987
5. D. Nikezic, P. Markovic. An estimate of the radiation risk due to external exposure from Chernobyl accident. Proceed. of Italian-Yugoslav Symp. Rad. Protection Advances in Italy and Yugoslavia. pp.407 Udine, Italy 1988
6. D.Nikezic, Lj. Vasiljevic. Indoor radon concentration measurements by using SSNTD. Proceed. International Workshop on Radon Monitoring. ICTP Trieste, Italy, World Scientific Publisher, CO, Singapore, page 484, 1989.
7. R. Benderac, D. Nikezic, D. Velickovic, D. Ristic, Application of a new home made track detector CN-BDH in radon measurements. Radiation Protection. Selected Topics, Proceed. of the 30 Anniversary Symp. of the Radiat. Protect. In B. Kidric Institute, pp. 99 Dubrovnik 1989.
8. D. Velickovic, D. Nikezic, R. Benderac, Lj.Vasiljevic. Indoor radon measurements in Belgrade. Radiation Protection. Selected Topics, Proceed. of the 30 Anniversary Symp. of the Radiat. Protect. In B. Kidric Institute, pp. 502 Dubrovnik 1989.
9. D. Nikezic, P. Markovic, V. Milovanovic. An optimization of the detector-electret geometry in diffusion chamber for radon measurements. Italian-Yugoslav Symp. on Radiation Protection. Plitvice , pp 269, 1990
10. D. Nikezic, P. Markovic. A mathematical model for calculation of the lung dose from inhaled radon-222 and its daughters. World congress of IRPA, IRPA 8, Montreal Canada 1992
11. P. Markovic, D. Nikezic. Calculation and experimental determination of the calibration coefficient for radon measurements using LR-115 detector in diffusion chamber. IRPA8 Montreal Canada, 1992
12. T.K. Cheung , K.N. Yu, D. Nikezic, A.K.M.M. Haque and D. Vucic Bronchial Dosimeter for Radon Progeny. 10th International Congress od The International Radiation Protection Association. IRPA10. May 14-19, Hiroshima, Japan, 2000.
13.Nikezic, D., Ho, J.P.Y., Yip, C.W.Y., Koo, V.S.Y., Yu, K.N, “Simulation of Track Structures Revealed by Atomic Force Microscopy”, 1st Asian and Oceanic Congress for Radiation Protection (AOCRP-1), October 20-24, 2002, Seoul, Korea.
14. V.S.Y., Yip, C.W.Y., Ho, J.P.Y., Nikezic, D., Yu, K.N., “Track Density Distribution on LR115 Detector and Deposition Fraction of 218Po in Diffusion Chamber”, 1st Asian and Oceanic Congress for Radiation Protection (AOCRP-1), October 20-24, 2002, Seoul, Korea.
15.Yip, C.W.Y., Ho, J.P.Y., Koo, V.S.Y., Nikezic, D., Yu, K.N., “A Fast Method to Measure the Thickness of Removed Layer from Etching of LR115 SSNTD Based on EDXRF”, 1st Asian and Oceanic Congress for Radiation Protection (AOCRP-1), October 20-24, 2002, Seoul, Korea.
16.Ho, J.P.Y., Yip, C.W.Y., Koo, V.S.Y., Nikezic, D., Yu, K.N., “Measurement of Bulk Etch Rate of LR115 Detector with Atomic Force Microscopy”, 1st Asian and Oceanic Congress for Radiation Protection (AOCRP-1), October 20-24, 2002, Seoul, Korea.
Printed only abstracts
1. D. Nikezic, D. Kostic, C. Baixeras. "Sensitivity of LR115 detector in different cylindrical diffusion chambers-an experimental study". XVIII International Conference on nuclear tracks in solids, Cairo-Egypt. Sept. 1996
2. A. Janicijevic, D. Nikezic. "Some performances of an LR115 detector relevant for radon measurements", XVIII International Conference on nuclear tracks in solids, Cairo-Egypt. Sept. 1996
3. D. Nikezic, D. Vucic. "The location and distribution of the Bragg peak in the epithelium of a tracheo-bronchial tree" First confer. of Yugoslav Nuclear Society, Beograd 1996.
4. Z. Zunic, J. J. McLaughlin, M. Kovacevic, D. Velickovic, R. Benderac, B. Radak, R. Simovic, D. Nikezic, S. Perovic, V. Gordanic, S. Pavlovic, M. Spasic, M. Demajo, R. Kljajic, G. Bogdanovic, "Research proposal for national radon project in Yugoslavia". First confer. of Yugoslav Nuclear Society, Beograd 1996.
5. D. Kostic, D. Nikezic "Determining of the track parameters in SSSNTD CR 39 due to the alpha particles". First confer. of Yugoslav Nuclear Society, Beograd 1996.
6. Kostic, Dj.Bek Uzarov, D. Nikezic. "Human somatic and Genetic ionizing radiation injure risks of Kragujevac population in last decade".First confer. of Yugoslav Nuclear Society, Beograd 1996.
1. D. Nikezic Radon- the main radioactive contaminant of environment.III Sump. on natural radiation page 145-190, Vinca, Belgrade 1994
2. S. Glodic-Pavlovic, D. Nikezic Levels of exposure to ionizing radiation ibid 1, page 335-360
3. D. Nikezic, D. Kostic Sensitivity of CR39 detector for radon measurements in different types of diffusion chambers ibid 1. page 213-219
4. D. Nikezic, D. Vucic Calculating the conversion coefficient for basal cells and secretory cells of T-B tree based on three groups of experimental data. ibid 1. page 361-372
5. D. Krstic, D. Nikezic, R. Benderac, Dj. Bek Uzarov. Experimental determination of the factor of electrostatical collection of radon short lived progeny by using an electret. ibid 1. page 205-211
(More than 60 reports were printed in the proceeding of different national conferences about radiation physics, measurement science and optics)
Doctoral dissertation (PhD)
1.1. Diffusion transport of radon throughout porous media. (candidate, Vlade Urosevic) University of Kragujevac 2001
1.2. Vertical distribution of 137Cs and calculation of effective dose (candidate Mr. D. Krstic, University of Kragujevac 2004)
1.3 Calculation of stopping power of heavy charged particle by representing the projectile and target as an assembly of quantum oscillators. Nenad Stevanovic
1.4 Calculation of dose conversion factor for real population by application of ICRP66. D. Vucic.
1.6 Vesna Manic
1.7 Мерење и анализа концентрације радона пасивном и активном методом на подручју града Бања Луке, Zoran Ćurguz
Master thesis:
1.6. Improving of radon measurements by adding of electret KGR-1 to diffusion chamber with LR115 detector (mr Dragana Krstic) University of Kragujevac 1994.
1.7. Calculation of absorbed dose from inhaled radon progeny in sensitive cells in T-B tree of humans. mr (Dusica Vucic). University of Kragujevac 1995.
1.8. Simulation of radon adsorption on active charcoal and experimental verification. (mr Vlade Urosevic) University of Kragujevac 1997.
1.9. Some performances of LR115 detector in radon and progeny measurements. (A. Janicijevic) University of Kragujevac 1998.
1.10. Recoil factor of 214Pb. (mr Nenad Stevanovic). University of Kragujevac Kragujevac, 2004.
1.11. Absorbed fraction of alpha particles in bifurcation geometry of human lung. (Brankica Novakovic) University of Kragujevac, Kragujevac, 2004.
Specializations. (MsC)
1.12. Calculation of calibration coeficient for radon measurements with CR39 detector by Monte Carlo Methods. (Branislav Jovanovi}) University of Kragujevac,Kragujevac 1993.
1.13 Determination of radon concentration in dwellings of Rudnik vilige. Rudnik. (Gordana Markovic) PMF-Kragujevac 1994.
1.14 Measurements of radon concentration in Po`arevac. (Sofija Djurov) University of Kragujevac,Kragujevac 1994.
1.15. Radioactivity of Raska county with the special attention to the depleted uranium. University of Kragujevac,Kragujevac 2006, Zoran Jovanovic.
Membership in various commission for PhD and Mphyl defence, without mentoring.
1. dr Svetislav Savovic PhD
2. mr Dragana Kostic (Mphyl)
3. mr Ivan Tomljenovic (Mphyl)
4. mr Krizman Milko (Mphyl)
5. mr Vladan Jovovic (Mphyl )
6. Arh Stanko (MsC)
7. Slobodan Jokic (MsC)
8. Sofija Forkapić (PHD)
9. Aca Đokić (Mphyl)
Funded by Serbian Ministry of Science, Technology and Development
2.1. Principal investigator on: Development of computer software for car lenses design (1995).
2.2. Principal investigator on: Development of experimental and theoretical methods in radioecology, (2001-2004)
2.3. Principal investigator on: Theoretical models in dosimetry and microdosimetry. (2005-2009)
Funded by Research Grant Council of Hong Kong
2.4. Projects numbers CityU 1004/99P. 9040639, CityU1081/01P and CityU1206/02P. Principal investigator K.N. Yu.
several national conferences in Environmental Radiation and General Physics.
Reviewer for the books
S. Jokic, Subatomic Physics, Vinca Institute
S. Savovic, Monte Carlo method, Universuty of Kragujevac
4.1. Software for car lenses design. Kragujevac, 1995-96.
4.2. Software for track parameters calculations and plotting the track profiles. Program TEST. Please visit