Program calculates sensitivity of CR-39 detector, closed in diffusion chamber, to radon.
Procedure to apply this software is following.
1. Define input parameters in file INPUTCR.DAT
Etching time in hours
Bulk etch rate in micrometers per hour
Visibility in micrometers
Number of V function used in calculation
Following functions are supported here:
N01 Function was published in the form
, with constants A1=11.45, A2=0.339, A3= 4, A4=0.044 and A5=0.58 and R’ is residual range.
N02 Function is
, with constants A1=0.1, A2=1., A3=1.27 and A4=1.
Functions N03 , is in the form
with constants A1=0.069, A2=1.1784 and A3=0.6513.
N04 have the same form as function N03 but slightly different coefficients:
A1=0.06082, A2=1.119 and A3=0.8055.
Function N05 is taken and has the form
with constants A1=390, A2=2, A3=2.35, A4=1, A5=5 and A6=80.
For reference see the manuscript Nikezic_Yu.pdf
2. Run program QUEST.EXE
3. Define input parameters in file INPUTCHAMBER.DAT
Number of register particles
Lower radius (R1) <= upper radius (R2), and chamber height (H)
Detector radius Rdet<R1 Number of function
4. Run program SENSITIVITY.EXE
Program will ask to input volumetric fraction of 218Po. Please provide it from keyboard.
Results are written in OUTPUT.DAT.