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CURRICULUM VITAE Mailing address DATE OF THE BIRTH PLACE OF BIRTH EDUCATION BC -diploma in physics Master thesis: Recoil factor of 214Pb Doctoral in Physics (PhD): Calculation of stopping power by representing the projectile and target as an assembly of quantum oscillators
EMPLOYMENT -2002. - 2005., Researcher at Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac, on the project founded by Serbian Ministry of Science “Development of experimental and theoretical methods in radioecology”, N0 1425. - 2006. -2010. Researcher at Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac, on the project founded by Serbian Ministry of Science “Theoretical and experimental investigations in microdosimetry and radioecology” , N0 141023. - 2011. - Researcher at Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac, on the project founded by Serbian Ministry of Science and Technological Develomplent “Experimental and theoretical investigations in radiation physics and radioecology” , N0 171021.
-2011. Assistant professor, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Science
COMPUTING MENTOR/ MEMBERSHIP IN COMMISSIONS FOR BSc, MSc and PhD: 1. Marija Mancic: Energija Sunca (Bsc in physics, Mentor: N. Stevanovic, 2012.) LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Book chapters 1. N. Stevanovic, B. Milenkovic, D. Nikezic. Software for Determination of Track Parameters in Nuclear Track Detectors Etched in Reverse Direction. Computer Source Code: Development, Analysis and Applications. ISBN: 978-1-61122-807-6. 2011. 6p 2. N. Stevanovic, V.M. Markovic, D. Nikezic. Influence of Ventilation Rate on Radon and Thoron Progeny Concentrations in a Room. Ventilation: Types, Standards and Problems, Nova Publishers - ISBN: 978-1-61324-424-1. 2011. 4p 3. V. Markovic, N. Stevanovic, D. Krstic and D. Nikezic. Beta and gamma dose assessment due to radon short lived progeny. Handbook of Radon: Properties, Applications and Health, Nova Publishers- ISBN: 978-1-62100-177-5, 2011. 4.D. Nikezic, V.M. Markovic, N. Stevanovic, V. Urosevic, B. Milenkovic and J. Stajic. Radon diffusion through the medium. Handbook of Radon: Properties, Applications and Health, Nova Publishers- ISBN: 978-1-62100-177-5, 2011. 4p 1. Papers printed in International Journal on ISI list 1.1 V.M. Markovic, D. Krstic, D. Nikezic, N. Stevanovic. Doses from radon progeny as a source of external beta and gamma radiation. Radiat Environ Biophys, Accepted 2012. 1.2 N. Stevanovic, V.M. Markovic, M. Arsenijevic, D. Nikezic. Influence of electron motion in target atom on stopping power for low-energetic ions. Nucl. Techn. & Rad. Prot. 27(2), 113-116, 2012 IF= 1.159 M22 6p 1.3 B. Jovanović, D. Nikezić, N. Stevanović. Applied mathematical modeling for calculating the probability of the cell killing per hit in the human lung. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 290 (3), 607-613, 2011. IF=0.777 M23 3p
1.4.V. Markovic, N. Stevanovic and D. Nikezic. Doses from beta radiation in sensitive layers of human lung and dose conversion factors due to 222Rn/220Rn progeny. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics.50(3), 431-440, 2011. IF=1.635 M22 5p
1.5. B. Milenkovic, N. Stevanovic, D. Nikezic and M. Ivanovic. Computer program Neutron_CR-39 for simulation of neutrons from an Am-Be source and calculation of proton track profiles. Computer Phys Commun 182, 1536-1542, 2011 IF= 1.958 M21 8p
1.6. B. Milenković, D. Nikezić, N. Stevanović. A simulation of neutron interaction from Am–Be source with the CR-39 detector. Radiation Measurements 45, 1338-1341, 2010. 1.7. N. Stevanovic, V.M. Markovic, D. Nikezic. Relationship between deposition and attachment rates in Jacobi room model. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 101, 349–352, 2010. IF =1.114 M23 3p 1.8. N. Stevanovic V.M. Markovic, D. Nikezic. Deposition rates of unattached and attached fractions in room at turbulent airflow and ventilation. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 100, 585–589, 2009. IF =1.114 M23 3p 1.9. B. Milenković, N. Stevanović, D. Krstic, D. Nikezić. Numerical solving of the track wall equation in LR115 detectors etched in direct and reverse directions. Radiation Measurement, 44, 57–62, 2009. IF=1.267, M21 8p 1.10 N. Stevanovic V. Markovic, V. Urosevic and D. Nikezic. Determination of parameters of Jacobi room model using the Brownian motion model. Health Physics. 96(1): 48-54, 2009. IF=0.902 M22 5p 1.11. V. Markovic, N. Stevanovic and D. Nikezic. Absorbed fractions for electrons and beta particles in sensitive regions of human respiratory tract. Radiat. Environ. Biophys., 47, 139–145, 2008. IF=1.787 M22 5p 1.12. D. Nikezić, N. Stevanović, D. Kostić, S. Savović, K.C.C. Tse, K.N.Yu. Solving the track wall equation by the finite difference method. RadiationMeasurement, 43, S76–S78, 2008. IF=1.267, M21 8p 1.14. D. Nikezić and N. Stevanović. Behavior of 220Rn progeny in diffusion chamber. Nuclear Instruments and Methods A, 570, 182-186, 2007. IF=1.224, M21 8p 1.15. D. Krstić, N. Stevanović, J. Milivojević and D. Nikezić. Transfer of 137Cs from soil to plants. Isotopes in Environmental Health Studies, 43(1), 1-9, 2007. IF=1.500, M22 5p 1.16. D. Nikezić and N. Stevanović. Room model with three modal distributions of attached 220Rn progeny. Dose conversion factor for 220Rn progeny. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 123, 95-102, 2007. IF=0.528, M23 3p
1.17. N. Stevanović and D. Nikezić. Calculation of stopping power for partially stripped ion by using oscillator model. Eur. Phys. J. D 42, 397–406, 2007. IF=1.988, M22 5p 1.18. D. Nikezic, B.M.F. Lau, N. Stevanovic and K.N.Yu. Absorbed Dose in Target Cell Nuclei and Dose Conversion Coefficient of Radon Progeny in the Human Lung, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 89, 18-29, 2006. IF=1.243, M22 5p 1.19. N. Stevanović and D. Nikezić. Stopping power. Projectile and target modeled as oscillators. Physics Letters A, 340 (1-4), 290-298, 2005. IF=1.55, M22 5p 1.20. D. Nikezić and N. Stevanović. Radon progeny behavior in diffusion chamber. Nuclear Instruments and Methods B, 239 (4), 399-406, 2005. IF=1.181, M21 8p 1.23. D. Nikezić, N. Stevanović. Room model with three modal distribution of attached radon progeny. Health Physics., 87(4), 405-409, 2004. IF=0.796, R51 8p 1.24. D. Nikezić and N. Stevanović. Influence of variability of 214Pb recoil factor on lung dose. Radiation Protection Dosimetry., 109, 197-199, 2004. IF=0.680, R52 5p 2. Papers on the international and national conferences 2.1. D. Krstić, D. Nikezić, V. LJubenov i N. Stevanović. Računanje efektivne doze u plućama i gonadama od 137Cs u tlu. Zbornik radova, XXII Simpozijum Jugoslovenskog Društva za Zaštitu od Zračenja, 2003. M63 2.2. D. Krstić, D. Nikezić, N. Stevanović i M. Jelić. Vertikalna raspodela 137Cs u tlu. Zbornik radova, XXII Simpozijum JDZZ, 181-184. 2003. M63 2.3. N. Stevanović i D. Nikezić. Zaustavna moć alfa čestica u CR-39 detektoru. Zbornik radova, XXII Simpozijum JDZZ, 2003. M63 2.4. N. Stevanović, D. Nikezić, D. Krstić, D. Kostić, M.S.Kovačević. Faktor uzmaka radonovih potomaka. Zbornik radova, XXIII Simpozijum DZZSCG, 327-331, 2005. ISBN: 86-7306-075-3. M63 2.5. B. Milenkovic, N. Stevanovic, D. Krstic, D. Nikezic. Numericko resavanje jednacine zida traga u LR115 detektoru nagrizanom u direktnom i suprotnom smeru. Zbornik radova ETRAN, 2008. ISBN: 978-86-80509-63-1 M63 2.6. D. Krstić, D. Nikezić, N. Stevanović, D. Vučić. Radioaktivnost nekih uvoznih gradjevinskih materijala. Zbornik radova, XXIII Simpozijum DZZSCG, 309-311, 2005. ISBN: 86-7306-075-3. . M63 2.7. B. Milenkovic, D. Nikezic, N. Stevanovic. Simulacija odgovora CR-39 detektora na ozracivanje neutronima iz Am-Be izvora. Zbornik radova, XXV Simpozijum DZZSCG, 274-278, 2009. ISBN: 978-86-7306-112-2. M63 2.8. N. Stevanović, V.M. Markovic, D. Nikezić. Parametri Jakobijevog modela u prostoriji pri turbulentnom kretanju vazduha. Zbornik radova, XXV Simpozijum DZZSCG, 345-349, 2009. ISBN: 978-86-7306-112-2. . M63 2.9. B. Milenković, N. Stevanović, V Marković, D Nikezić. Efikasnost detekcije protona nastalih u CR-39 detektoru ozračenom neutronima iz Am-Be izvora. ETRAN, 2010. M63 2.10. N. Stevanovic, V. Markovic, D Nikezic, B. Milenkovic, J. Stajic. Korekcija ljuske za zaustavnu moc za niskoenergetske jone. Zbornik radova, XXVI Simpozijum DZZSCG, 14-17, 2011. ISBN: 978-86-7306-105-4. M63 2.11. B. Milenkovic, D Nikezic, N. Stevanovic. Korekcija ljuske za zaustavnu moc za niskoenergetske jone. Zbornik radova, XXVI Simpozijum DZZSCG, 306-310, 2011. ISBN: 978-86-7306-105-4. M63 2.12. V. Markovic, N. Stevanovic, D Nikezic. Raspodela specificne energije beta zracenja unutar celije. Zbornik radova, XXVI Simpozijum DZZSCG, 224-227, 2011. ISBN: 978-86-7306-105-4. M63
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